Who’s More Masculine?

Who’s More Masculine?

Yesterday's post addressed the masculinity crisis that is plunging the West into a dark age. A critical aspect of the problem is that academia, the media, and even misinformed manosphere bloggers have given men false ideas of what authentic masculinity is. By the same token, most people reduce the vice…


Denizens of the less conformist corners of the web have taken to calling our gravely dysfunctional society Clown World. This moniker arose from noticing our leaders' mania for foisting ever more humiliating absurdities on ordinary people. That's a bit of a simplification. What's really happening is that domineering women in…

Combat Frame XSeed: Coalition Year 40

Announcing the official launch of my mecha thriller saga's second pulse-pounding installment: COMBAT FRAME XSEED: COALITION YEAR 40 is here! They made him necessary. He’ll make them pay. Earth groans under the yoke of the Systems Overterrestrial Coalition. Socs enjoy privileged status while grounders languish as second-class citizens. Student Thomas…
The Fish, the Sea, and the Channels

The Fish, the Sea, and the Channels

Presenting, slightly edited at the author's request, a guest post from reader Unconcord: The Fish, the Sea, and the Channels Once there was a village on the edge of a deep inland sea. When the sons of the village neared manhood, and the daughters neared womanhood, they climbed the steep…
Swimming Upstream

Swimming Upstream

Hot on the heels of the rousing string of victories the pro-life movement won last week, we were treated to the usual hand wringing from the mainstream media's tame house Conservatives. Not an inch of ground is reclaimed in the culture war that housebroken shills like Tomi Lahren and Ben…
Unmarried, Childless Individuals

Unmarried, Childless Individuals

Herzl Institute President Yoram Hazony unmasks Enlightenment thought as a political philosophy by and for unmarried, childless individuals who pedestalize consent as the sole criterion of the good. These simple, obvious truths will be suppressed until a) married people decide they've had enough of the schools indoctrinating their children and…
Moloch and Ashtoreth

Moloch and Ashtoreth

Presenting a guest post from reader D.J. Schreffler! My wife and I were talking last night about the leftist females going on a sex strike to protest the anti-abortion laws (Yes! Practice abstinence outside of marriage!) and other silly so-called protests (My wife said, “The best analogy I can think…

Witch Test

Courtesy of a reader from Twitter:     It's getting scary how this little test continues to work every single time.
Victory Defeated Liberalism

Victory Defeated Liberalism

It's always salutary to periodically look back and reflect on one's opinions from a distance after some time has elapsed. Here's a repost of an article from last spring on why Liberalism has hit a dead end. According to Notre Dame Professor Patrick J. Deneen's book, reviewed by The American…
Abortion Is Cancelled

Abortion Is Cancelled

Every action has a reaction, as Democrats who've sponsored barbaric late-term abortion bills in states like New York and Illinois have now discovered. The tide is turning decisively against proponents of baby murder, as Georgia's governor has signed a heartbeat bill that's sending Moloch worshipers into paroxysms of rage. Georgia’s…