To no one's surprise, a generation of narcissists is surprised that distorting the faith in their image is making the youth flee in droves. H/t Rawle Nyanzi You didn’t misread that, I didn’t say irrelevant, I said RELEVANT. We’ve taken a historic, 2,000 year old faith, dressed it in plaid…
Today strikes me as a good time to repost this piece from three years ago. You're always in for something interesting when you go back through the archives for a little perspective. A previous post on how the tide is turning against legacy media and its Leftist bias drew commenters…
Reader Durandel asks, Can we win with the leaderless, multiheaded hydra approach without at some point having a legitimate, genuine leader who is then martyred for the cause to trigger the Right into action? I've had reservations about the "no leaders" approach for a while. Granted, military history is not…
Now seems like a good time for a little artistic interlude. Happily, world-class cover artist Todd Everhart has provided some early sketches for the cover of Combat Frame XSeed: Coalition Year 40, the upcoming sequel to mecha mil-SF game changer Combat Frame XSeed. The above image is a front-back spread intended for…
A recent post elicited some black pills in the comments, so it seems like a good time to put the current state of dissident politics in perspective. There's a feeling in the air that the energy of 2016 has largely dissipated. Even staunch MAGApedes are wondering if they haven't poured…
By doing away with the Individual Mandate, the Trump Administration created a potentially fatal vulnerability in Obamacare's constitutionality that the Republican party has actually managed to exploit. Core provisions of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, were ruled unconstitutional by a Texas judge on Friday following a lawsuit…
A professional animator explains why the Hollywood version of beloved video game icon Sonic the Hedgehog looks like blue cancer. Hollywood's meddling with this wildly successful Japanese character is doubly stupid because, if you read Console Wars, you know that Sonic the Hedgehog has at least as much American as…
One defining feature of the American Left is their visceral hatred of the Second Amendment. Conservatives and libertarians accuse the gun-grabbers of wanting normal people left at the mercy of Big Brother. They're not wrong, but that's just a practical consideration. It doesn't fully explain the Left's rabid loathing of…
An important reminder that conversion is a grace, and God calls whomever He wills. No, not to anime fandom. To the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. Praise to Our Lord Jesus Christ and welcome to Not John Daker. May the Lord draw you into ever closer communion with Him…