To Purify the Church Restore Masculinity

To Purify the Church Restore Masculinity

That's the New York Times' housebroken Catholic Conservative Ross Douthat gratuitously groveling before the coven of witches seeking to further feminize the Church. You can spot his knee-jerk effort to preemptively mollify his paymasters by its incoherence. Note to Ross: Nuns and abbesses are laywomen, in that they're not ordained clergy. The prominent…
It’s Not the Size

It’s Not the Size

You can add Gab to the list of dissident outfits that have been shut down by concerted efforts by Leftist tech monopolies. This time the oligarchs' flimsy cover story involved hyperventilating over the recent mass shooting in Philadelphia. The shooter happened to have a Gab account, so our betters sunsetted…
Terminally Unhip

Terminally Unhip

I'm old enough to remember when Democrats were the Cool Party. All of the big movie stars, edgy comedians, and rock gods advocated for Leftist causes and held massive fundraisers for the DNC. What you saw in every form of mass media was that Democrats were open-minded free spirits with…
They’re Going to Pay

They’re Going to Pay

Wherein Julie Swetnick and Michael Avenatti discover that, like losing elections, taking a shot at a SCOTUS nominee and missing has consequences. They shouldn't have thought they wouldn't pay. The Stupid Party is finally learning that the Evil Party aren't misguided but well-intentioned loyal opposition. The Democrats are a mob…
Benedictine CoC

Benedictine CoC

From Antisocial Justice on Twitter: The SJW mob successfully pressured SQLite into adopting a code of conduct, but it turns out that victory has defeated them. You read that right. SQLite's new CoC is based on the Rule of St. Benedict--the rule of religious life that ushered in the golden…

Pure Narrative-spinning

Comments from a number of readers about the upcoming midterm elections. occasioned this follow up to a previous post. The mainstream media's assertion that married suburban women will abandon the GOP in droves over the Kavanaugh affair is pure narrative-spinning. They don't cite numbers because the numbers show women believed…
Are You an NPC?

Are You an NPC?

If you frequent dissident social media, you may have noticed a lull in the meme wars over the past year. Posting a Pepe or MAGApede meme would like as not get you labeled a Boomer. The salt flow had dried to a trickle as SJWs walled themselves into hugboxes behind…
Polls Are Propaganda

Polls Are Propaganda

Wherein I respond to a commenter who expressed trepidation about the rising Red Tide: Hmm, a lotta sources you posted still seem iffy on a republican blitzkrieg. Typical bet hedging? Democratic bias? Whaddya think? RCP still for some unfathomable reason has the AZ senate race as a toss up I…
Red Tide

Red Tide

Political commentators have been predicting that the outcome of Judge Brett Kavanaugh's stormy Senate confirmation would have a noticeable impact on the upcoming midterm elections. Now the numbers are coming in, and we are witnessing an unmistakable Kavanaugh effect. In case you haven’t been paying attention, the Republicans are going…
Character Data: Sekaino Megami

Character Data: Sekaino Megami

Time for a new twist on the Combat Frame data posts I've been making in the run up to XSeed's launch. Now that Ashion 101, the third artist in my international team of publishing experts, has furnished the series' inaugural character drawing, it's my pleasure to present the first Combat Frame…