Is Science Fiction Dead?

Is Science Fiction Dead?

Over at the Cirsova blog, editor P. Alexander shares a recent anecdote that may have significant implications for professional science fiction authors. Action, Adventure, and Romance are stronger selling points than pulp, sci-fi and fantasy. I think that navel gazing explanations of throw-backs, periods, Campbellians, Futurians, the Pulp Rev, etc.…


Necrosis, the debut paranormal epic by H.C. Damrosch, is available now! A tyrant has conquered the land she holds dear; friends and family slain to build a kingdom of despair. Her own faith has fallen into doubt… She must escape, no matter the cost.  Visions of light and shadow beckon…
Lost Generations

Lost Generations

Identity politics has increasingly become a hot-button issue. The debate typically centers around matters of ethnicity or religion, but an often overlooked yet just as important factor in setting a person's self-concept is generational identification. Inter-generational conflict has become so ingrained in contemporary culture that it's hard to imagine a…
Ophian Rising Excerpt

Ophian Rising Excerpt

In anticipation of its imminent release, I'm pleased to present my loyal readers with another excerpt from the concluding volume of my award-winning Soul Cycle, The Ophian Rising.         “Which ether-runner should we go to for help?” Will asked.         “Not an ether-runner,” Astlin…
China Syndrome

China Syndrome

Fake science fiction blog File 七百七十 tries to amuse its Chinese bot audience by training its patented brand of menopausal trolling on Richard Paolinelli, author of the Nebula Award-nominated book Escaping Infinity. But Richard ain't having it. ChinaMike – called that because the great Larry Correia exposed ChinaMike’s website as being…
Case in Point

Case in Point

Pursuant to yesterday's post on the internal contradictions that have left Conservatives powerless to fight the culture war, I present the following tweets: That's author Jon Del Arroz tweeting about National Review Online writer Kevin D. Williamson's response to MAGA 2020 and Beyond from Superversive Press. If Williamson's name rings a bell,…
They’re Daft

They’re Daft

It's encouraging to see that more and more people are catching on to a fact I've done my best to publish far and wide, viz. that so-called Conservatives have no intention of conserving Western culture. Superversive SF blogger Dawn Witzke calls out Conservative media figures who complain ad nauseam about…
Ophian Rising News

Ophian Rising News

Now that my newsletter subscribers have duly received their early look, I'm delighted to share the cover of The Ophian Rising, Soul Cycle Book IV with the reading public. As with the previous three books' stellar cover designs, this cover comes to us from the hand of visionary artist Marcelo…
The Injustice Gamer Reviews Praxis

The Injustice Gamer Reviews Praxis

The Injustice Gamer reviews Praxis, the blue collar workers in SPACE! novel by my friend and editing client Justin Knight. First, our warehouse workers are fairly realistic. Not all are smart, but they aren't a homogeneous group by any means. There are characters with family, devoted couples, and people just…
PulpRev Valediction

PulpRev Valediction

Over at, blogger and writer Bradford Walker bids Godspeed to legendary Castalia House blog editor Jeffro Johnson and yours truly. Here's Bradford: We've gotten word that Jeffro Johnson has stepped down as the editor of the Castalia House blog, and that Brian Niemeier has taken leave of Geek Gab,…