Psaki Cant

Managerial Cult Ritual Cant

By and large, I avoid discussing basic presidential politics here. The main reason being that politics, defined as conducting public discourse to decide the optimal way of distributing resources for the common good, is impossible in a one-party state. But today I'm making an exception to the rule, occasioned by…
Lord of Fate 640

Arkwright Cycle Book II Cover and Title Reveal

The Burned Book is primed for launch. But before Arkwright Cycle Book I drops, the time has come to reveal the cover for Arkwright Cycle Book II! From the masterful hand of top artist Marcelo Orsi Blanco, guided by your gracious input, it's an honor to present ... The cover…
Rock Faucet

Can’t Stop the Rock Faucet

We've spent a lot of time charting the crisis besetting the modern music industry. And one of the best professionals who's undertaken the project of plumbing the problem is Rick Beato. Now, the veteran producer and studio musician does a deep dive into why music has gotten worse since Cultural…
Arkwright Cycle Book I - The Burned Book

Pick the Cover of Arkwright Cycle Book 2!

Book 1 in my new dark fantasy series The Arkwright Cycle is already on its way to Indiegogo backers, and the official launch drops soon. Yet my awesome cover artist Marcelo has already delivered four initial sketches for the cover of Arkwright Cycle Book 2! Which is your favorite design…

The Source of Death Cult Morality

A lot of well-meaning normal people still make the mistake of thinking the Death Cult are moral relativists. But scratch a Death Cultist, and you'll find a moral absolutist, as a recent exchange on X illustrates. Every once in a while, a poll comes out showing that growing numbers of…
Julian Assange Released

Julian Assange Released on Bail

With never-before-seen poltiical upheavals already swirling around the upcoming US elections, a new bombshell development has added to the already raging firestorm of controversy. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, a man widely credited and vilified for helping Donald Trump win the presidency in 2016, has spent the better part of a…
Clock - Safety Last

The Clock Is Ticking for Boomers

A series of comments on yesterday's post by neopatron Bayou Bomber struck a chord with multiple readers. In the interest of giving the people what they want, here are his insights on the successive deaths of hipsterism and nerdery, slightly rearranged for ease of reading. A couple of thoughts: 1)…
Nerd vs Hipster

Did Nerds Destroy Hipsters?

Where did all the hipsters go? You may have noticed, as author JD Cowan did, that the hipsters who once infested the cultural landscape seem to have vanished overnight. So did writer Sam Kriss, who has an interesting theory as to where all the mustache wax-sporting, Pabst Blue Ribbon-drinking oddballs…
Phantom Whispers

Phantom Whispers: Volume 1

Want to have fun reading again? Here's a way to get hours of fun from a fantastic stable of newpub authors for less than a standard month of Netflix, minus the commercials: Spaceships, tanks fighting pig men, shapeshifting forest monsters, inter-dimensional cartoon characters, and psychic ghosts abound. Heed the whisper…
Presidential Alien Debate

Presidential Alien Debate?

Some people want the major parties' presidential candidates to debate aliens now. It's par for the course here on Planet Clown. The next president of the United States should be asked if he will release UFO-related documents, the New Paradigm Institute says. A once-taboo subject that essentially forced whistleblowers like…