shaved profile

Escaping the Hate Mob

The gradual but rapidly accelerating collapse of civilization has added urgency to the longstanding dissident debate over where to run when SHTF. Each day awakens more normies to the fact that they cannot coexist with Death Cultists who are busily imposing their inhuman ritual laws on the rest of us.…
Surveying Aftermath

Surveying the Aftermath

The mere act of listening to music from before the late 90s and after makes Music Ground Zero so evident that even pop cultists are starting to notice. NB: As you read the following, keep in mind that this is the bio of the account that tweeted it:   Observe…
Gilgamesh Nephilim

Gilgamesh and the Nephilim

The spooky season continues with a highly strange story from last year that somehow escaped my notice. A shocking discovery in the FOIA release of State Department emails confirms ... [a]n email ... “Requesting documents pertaining to the resurrection chamber of Gilgamesh, the location of his body and the location…
Climate Confession

Death Cult Sacraments 2

A picture speaks a thousand words, but the header image above admits of additional exposition. If you've followed this blog for any length of time, you know the Left is not a political ideology, but a heretical secular religion. It even has mockeries of the sacraments. However, a moment's observation…
Secular Religion

Heretical Secular Religion

While a majority of Americans practice Christianity at home, our rulers submit to a heretical secular religion. And they've taken pains to make sure Christians' beliefs have zero impact on public life. You can safely call for an innocent child to spend the rest of his life behind bars, but…
Bender House

Another Little House

Spend any length of time doing editing work, and you'll soon conclude that most material excised from a book is cut for good reason. But sometimes, scenes deleted because they didn't fit a book's theme or mood make for fascinating tales in their own right. Every self-respecting bibliophile should be…
XSeed Double-S Banner

XSeed Double-S Is Live

Announcing the official Combat Frame XSeed: SS launch! It shattered records on Indiegogo. Now you can help us bury the needle on Amazon. Get Combat Frame XSeed: SS in digital and print now! Space is a graveyard. They came to destroy us … … Now they’re humanity’s only hope. The…

Gomez Gets It

After sounding alarms that the Woke Cult is a parallel religion hostile to Christianity for years, it's encouraging to see members of the Church's hierarchy catching on. The leading Catholic bishop in the United States admonished the growing interest in intersectionality and identity politics, saying they are "pseudo-religions." Archbishop Jose…
XSeed Double-S Banner

XSeed Double-S Update

Quick XSeed Double-S update: Fulfillment of our record-smashing Indiegogo campaign continues at a quickened pace. All backers have received the bonus short story. Digital and print editions have gone out to Classified Intel backers. If you held off on backing the anthology until release, now's your chance to get the…
VA Governor Race

VA Governor Race

It's possible to win some battles even while retreating. The GOP demonstrated that fact last night when they won the VA governor race for the first time in twelve years. For beleaguered Conservatives who'd been taking body blows since this time last year, the victory finally gave them something to…