Deracinated Horror

Horror stories give special insight into a culture's belief system. Since they serve as cautionary tales more than any other type of story, they tend to embody their native society's moral code. Throughout the lifespan of Western civilization, nearly all horror stories incorporated Christian beliefs or were at least rooted…
The Head of the Church

The Head of the Church

For all the criticism I level at the Catholic Church's current leaders on Earth, my motive is not hostility but filial love. Imagine a princely and ancient mansion that's been handed down in your family since the clan patriarch built it by hand 2000 years ago. It stood as a…
The Editor Defined

The Editor Defined

Publishing is an old industry that's assembled its own internal lexicon. As you'll find with any trade, publishing jargon can be difficult for laymen--and even authors--to decipher. A widely misunderstood term is the deceptively simple title of editor. When most people; again even some authors, hear the word "editor", they…
Secondary World Religions

Secondary World Religions

World building is the one element that sets speculative fiction apart from every other category of writing. When designing a secondary world, it’s crucial to establish a foundation of internally consistent principles to help readers suspend their disbelief. Religion in general has been a constant of human existence. Writing a…
But Demons Are Interested in You

But Demons Are Interested in You

he moral and cultural degeneration that is readily apparent on college campuses, in the media, and in government has now grown so severe that even self-described secularists are openly contemplating whether we're seeing the work of demons. Tackling that question makes an apt follow up to my recent post on…
How Does Your Magic Work?

How Does Your Magic Work?

A speculative element is what sets the genres of science fiction, fantasy, and horror apart from literary fiction. There's no element more speculative than magic, and it's become a common term of art to speak of an SFF universe's "magic system". By reader request, here is my philosophy of magic…
Angels and Demons

Angels and Demons

A reader writes: [O]ne thing has been made clear for me over the past few years: the existence of demons. Its something that myself and others have become more and more awakened to, thanks in no small part to the works of you and others mentioned. One thing that isn't…
Is the Dope Catholic?

Is the Dope Catholic?

A controversy making the rounds on social media lately centers around the question of whether Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden is Catholic or not. Tellingly, it's the Death Cult that's staunchly defending Biden's Catholic bona fides. Take note that "devout" is a word the Cultists trot out whenever they want…
The Dragon Sleeps

The Dragon Sleeps

... and Scalzi grows stronger! Check out the 2020 Dragon Award ballot, and you'll see what I mean. From the author of The Handmaid's Tale to lesbian vampire stories to a writer so deranged even Disney fired him, this year's Dragon ballot reads like the canon of Death Cult humiliation…

Virtues of the Awakened Saxon

Kipling's famous--some might say infamous--poem "The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon" has gained a great deal of traction in dissident circles. I maintain that a major reason why this poem has resonated with the current generations of young men on the right is that it highlights the masculine virtues they…