A Detailed Road Map

A Detailed Road Map

A reader writes: Say Mr. Niemeier, when you write a multi-book saga like say the Soul Cycle, do you just write it out book by book or do you have a detailed kind of road-map before you put pen to paper? I answer: I outline extensively. For the Soul Cycle…
A Poor Job of Being So

A Poor Job of Being So

Wherein John Scalzi, the Pauly Shore of Tor Books, demonstrates his practiced innumeracy regarding the Tor Awards Hugo Awards. h/t to @FuturistDog Gee, I wonder whose book the Tor finalist happens to be. Oh. Scalzi is correct in one regard. Tor's fortunes have objectively declined since their pre-Puppies heyday. Between…
Requiem for Infowars

Requiem for Infowars

The hit against independent broadcaster Alex Jones' Infowars operation orchestrated by Google, Apple, Facebook, Stitcher, and Spotify is rattling quite a few cages on the dissident Right. The whole episode is giving me a mild case of the Mandela Effect, since I thought Jones had been banned since last year.…
Combat Frame Data: CCF-09V

Combat Frame Data: CCF-09V

CCF-09V Veillantif Technical Data Model number: CCF-09V Code name: N/A Nickname: Veillantif Classification: custom close combat high mobility combat frame Manufacturer: Zeklov Corporation Operator: Nouvelle France First deployment: CY -2 Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in chest Height: Head height 18 meters, height with wings: 19 meters Weight: 60 metric tons Armor type: palladium glass microalloy/carbon ceramic composite Powerplant: cold fusion reactor,…
No Quartering Given

No Quartering Given

Jeremy Hambly, the popular host of YouTube nerd culture channel The Quartering, was assaulted in the wee hours of Thursday morning at an Indianapolis bar while in town attending Gen Con. According to Hambly, a man in a sleeveless rainbow tee shirt approached him, asked his name, and proceeded to…

Star Knight on the Killstream

OG #GamerGater Ethan Ralph was gracious enough to have Star Knight author Bradford Walker on his Killstream show last night. Bradford explained his lofty and worthy goals for his upcoming space opera-mecha series, and he even gave a shout out to yours truly. Bradford's segment begins at 02:34:05 and runs…
Sunsoft, Famicom, and the NES

Sunsoft, Famicom, and the NES

@Thundersteel81 passes along this AMA by a former VP of Product Development at legendary third party NES game developer Sunsoft. My name is David Siller and I was for four years VP of Product Development for Sun Denshi in the US also known as SUNSOFT.  I will try to answer…

Building Institutions

The following is my response to a reader who raised a number of thought-provoking questions prompted by yesterday's post. I thought it merited a post of its own. Building institutions is what the Right does. The Left is incapable of building anything. That's why they only ever parasitize existing institutions.…
We Are the Industry

We Are the Industry

The gatekeepers of legacy print and comic book publishing have a habit of referring to themselves as "the Industry". Claiming that exclusive label may have been justified when the only alternatives were underground comics Xeroxed at the library or vanity presses. That claim started to sound disingenuous with the explosion…
Combat Frame Data: XCF-08D-1

Combat Frame Data: XCF-08D-1

  XCF-08D-1 Dead Drop    Technical Data Model number: XCF-08D-1 Code name: N/A Nickname: Dead Drop Classification: custom energy weapon optimized high mobility combat frame Manufacturer: Zane Dellister Operator: Zane Dellister First deployment: CY 1 Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in chest Height: 19 meters Weight: 50 metric tons Armor…