Serialized Short Story: Izcacus Part 2

Serialized Short Story: Izcacus Part 2

Yesterday I shared the first part of my horror/techno-trhiller story "Izcacus". Here's Part 2. Veronica Fulbright’s Expedition Log – 28 May Wednesday. I watched the eastern sky turn red-gold behind the Bezengi Wall on our descent, but night lingered in the mountains’ shadow until long after landing. The wind was…
Serialized Short Story: Izcacus Part 1

Serialized Short Story: Izcacus Part 1

A friend and respected horror buff once told me that there are only two kinds of vampires: the "supernatural" kind that suffer vampirism due to a curse, demonic activity, etc.; and the "scientific" variety whose infection by some pathogen mimics traditional vampire qualities. He went on to insist that writers…

Geek Gab: Sci Phi Journal Editor Jason Rennie

This week, Geek Gab is pleased to welcome Jason Rennie, Hugo nominated editor of Sci Phi Journal. His magazine published my first pro short story, so I twisted Daddy Warpig's arm to return the favor and get Jason on the show. Just kidding. Jason is a knowledgeable and hardworking guy…
Movie Review: Everest

Movie Review: Everest

Mountaineering--especially on the world's fourteen peaks over 8000 meters--has fascinated me for a while now. For documentation, see chapter 32 of my novel. Though the insane risks involved firmly relegate me to armchair enthusiast status, I usually welcome the chance to get some vicarious thrills through other people's foolhardiness. Everest,…
How to Flesh out Your Novel with Three-Act Structure

How to Flesh out Your Novel with Three-Act Structure

Graph by Wendell Wellman Final editing proceeds nicely on Souldancer. As I've mentioned before, Soul Cycle vol. II will focus more on romantic themes than Nethereal did, without watering down the horror. In fact, my editor's first comment on the manuscript was how consistently eerie SD is. Since I'm trying a rather ambitious interweaving…
Movie Review: The Martian

Movie Review: The Martian

I saw The Martian. Full disclosure: I haven't yet read the book. When a multimedia event like this comes around, my friends and I have found that it makes for interesting and informative discussions to have somebody read the book first, then see the movie; and for someone else to…

Podcast Madness

This weekend, I podcasted harder than I ever have before--appearing on not one, but two Google Hangouts. First up, Daddy Warpig, Dorrinal, and I finally discussed the long overdue topic of pen and paper RPGs on Geek Gab. Old school dungeon master DW instructed first-time GM Dorrinal in the finer…
Nethereal Is now Half Price for Kindle

Nethereal Is now Half Price for Kindle

I'm running a special on Nethereal. For a limited time, the Kindle version is $1.99, half its original price. One of indie publishing's biggest advantages is versatility. I don't need approval from some marketing or accounting department to try new advertising strategies, change ad copy or covers, or experiment with…


Today marks the first anniversary of the superversive literary movement--where writers who are tired of establishment sci-fi's obsession with repeatedly burning the motherhood statement in effigy strive to raise SF from the ashes. The redoubtable Mr. Tom Simon declares the purpose of superversive science fiction: The subversives have pulled down…
Indie Publishing Q&A

Indie Publishing Q&A

We've got a big Superversive SF live stream coming up on Sunday afternoon. The topic of the day is whether we are currently living in the golden age of publishing. The answer largely depends on whether you see indie publishing's rise to dominance as a good thing or a bad…