Transhuman and Subhuman Part VIII: Gene Wolfe, Genre Work, and Literary Duty

Transhuman and Subhuman Part VIII: Gene Wolfe, Genre Work, and Literary Duty

The eighth essay in John C. Wright's Transhuman and Subhuman collection is a meditation on the merits of speculative fiction occasioned by SFWA making Gene Wolfe a Grand Master. "He is the greatest living author writing in the English language today," Wright declares, "and I do not confine that remark to…
Transhuman and Subhuman Part VII: The Glory Game

Transhuman and Subhuman Part VII: The Glory Game

Today I'm reviewing John C. Wright's review of Keith Laumer's short novel The Glory Game. "The novel is well crafted, concise, without a wasted scene or word," says Wright, "and therefore has the clearest and most trenchant point of any tale I have ever read that is actually a tale…
Transhuman and Subhuman Part VI: Swordplay in Space

Transhuman and Subhuman Part VI: Swordplay in Space

"Why is the preferred weapon of the Galactic Empire the sword?" John C. Wright tackles that question in the sixth part of his essay collection Transhuman and Subhuman. Following the premise that a man's attitude toward war and death reveals his outlook on life, Wright examines a selection of great…
Nethereal Cover

Nethereal Cover

Because God has sent me a cover artist far better than I deserve, it humbles me to announce that this is the cover for my upcoming SF/horror novel Nethereal: Thanks, Marcelo! Special thanks are also due to my learned and gracious editor, L. Jagi Lamplighter-Wright for helping with the back…
Transhuman and Subhuman Part IV – Science Fiction: What Is It Good For?

Transhuman and Subhuman Part IV – Science Fiction: What Is It Good For?

"Human nature, for better or worse, always eventually comes to the fore again. And human nature likes and needs stories that are stories." --John C. Wright The fourth essay in Transhuman and Subhuman: Essays on Science Fiction and Awful Truth sends a wake up call to readers of mainstream fiction, from…
Transhuman and Subhuman Part III: Whistle While You Work

Transhuman and Subhuman Part III: Whistle While You Work

The third essay in John C. Wright's Hugo-nominated collection Transhuman and Subhuman: Essays on Science Fiction and Awful Truth tackles the enduring question of why small animals help Snow White with her housework. Yes. It really does. The author formulates his answer in terms of Aristotelian metaphysics. No, I'm not kidding.…
Transhuman and Subhuman Part II: The Hobbit, or, The Desolation of Tolkien

Transhuman and Subhuman Part II: The Hobbit, or, The Desolation of Tolkien

"My wife had to stuff a wide handful of popcorn flavored food substitute into my face, in order to smother the broken, wretched burbling — shoot him … with … an elf arrow." —John C. Wright Newer blockbusters may have driven the second Hobbit movie from the popular consciousness, but…
Hugo Nominee Review: Transhuman and Subhuman Part I, Transhuman and Subhuman

Hugo Nominee Review: Transhuman and Subhuman Part I, Transhuman and Subhuman

The fine folks at Superversive SF have asked me to join them in reviewing this year's nominated works in the run up to the Hugos. It's hoped that these reviews will focus attention on the stories themselves so that Worldcon members can cast informed votes based on the works' merits. NB:…
Responses to Sad Puppies 3: The Five Stages of Grieving

Responses to Sad Puppies 3: The Five Stages of Grieving

The counseling profession identifies five stages of grieving. Someone who suffers a great loss will first deny what has happened, then feel anger (usually misdirected) and depression before attempting to deal with the situation through ultimately futile bargaining, before finally accepting the new circumstances. Examining reactions to the 2015 Hugo…