Cain and Abel

Evil Cult Is Evil

Some people still think I'm engaging in hyperbole when I describe the contemporary Left as a Death Cult. They cling to that opinion despite the Left embracing child sacrifice and mutilation as sacraments. And that was before they started being open about murdering people they disagree with. Now, a Twitter…

They Won’t Leave You Alone

If the feds' brazen abuse of law enforcement and the courts to wage lawfare against a devout father of seven wasn't warning enough, the regime just sent two more messages. And the message is this: Persecution of American Christians isn't coming. The persecution is here. The FBI raided the home…
Pro-Lifer Raided

They’re Coming for Christians

For years, Christian dissidents have been warning that the regime's de facto established Cult would use its power to persecute the Church. Death Cultists and WigNats alike downplayed our ruling class' animosity toward Christ. But now, the government persecutions have begun. A well-known pro-life author, sidewalk counselor, and father of…
whiteness poison

Raise Your Own Kids Already

Reason to home school #4,635,980: A teacher at an elite private school in California’s Pacific Palisades called whiteness “poison” and pledged to expose white students to “racially stressful encounters,” in a letter obtained exclusively by Breitbart News. Victoria Rosenberg, who teaches middle school English at the NAIS-affiliated St. Matthew’s Parish…


If you've read a self-help book, been to therapy, or attended a motivational seminar, you may be familiar with the locus of control concept. Someone with an internal locus of control is self-directed, whereas someone with an external locus of control sees himself as being at the mercy of outside…
Witch Test Refresher

Witch Test Refresher

It's encouraging to see the Witch Test pioneered on this blog continue to gain wider use. Some recent Twitter interactions between witches and intrepid hunters occasioned this refresher post. Christianity is a necessary pillar of Western civilization. Not only do the Church's teachings inform our cultural and legal traditions, she…

Panic Rewind

As the 1980s vanish in the rearview mirror of the speeding clown car that is America, Generation Y's role as the last cohort with personal memories of that era gains added importance. The closest thing to a political vision that Conservatives have pushed for Millennials' and Zoomers' whole lives is…
Shia Labeouf Padre Pio

Tricked by God

The platypus is no longer the best evidence of God's sense of humor. Actor Shia LaBeouf said he converted to Christianity while shooting his upcoming film "Padre Pio" and has become a member of the Roman Catholic Church. Kidding aside, this is joyous news and still more proof that where…
Rosary Weapon

Weapons Flying off the Shelves

One phenomenon you can always count on is normal people rushing out to buy weapons anytime the Death Cult tries to ban them. Turns out that doesn't just go for physical weapons, but spiritual ones, too. Online shops that sell rosaries have reported a boost in sales following a controversial…

Stochastic Fantastic

New Death Cult ritual incantation just dropped.   Anyone who's been paying attention has noticed that the Cult in charge of Western society has a peculiar lexicon. They use it to identify each other and cast hexes on their enemies. Most of these terms come from STEM fields and are…