Devil Horns

Don’t Don the Devil Horns

Wherein I lay out the morally and rhetorically correct response to the Death Cult's demands for reparations. From Twitter:   To recap: The Left isn't after anything rational. They are a hysterical Death Cult motivated by moral posturing which reinforces their sense of identity. They reinforce the sense of moral superiority…
Queen of Peace

Florida Man vs the Latin Mass

Over the weekend, the Death Cult stepped up its attacks on the Church, taking a major step toward the imminent martyring of Christians. A Florida man was arrested Saturday after plowing his vehicle into a Catholic church and then setting the building on fire as parishioners were inside preparing for…
Not Hyperbole

Not Hyperbole

There are those who rebuke me for indulging in hyperbole when I refer to the Left as a Death Cult. These critics cling to the ConInc narrative that the impetus behind the Left's ravaging of America is communist ideology. Our enemies, they insist, aren't spiritually motivated. Instead, they're effete losers…


Until quite recently, there were still people who thought I was engaged in hyperbole by calling the malignant force that's swept our institutions a Death Cult. If this weekend's riots proved one thing to normal people, it's the reality that there's a militant legion of fanatics at enmity with them.…
Who Could Have Predicted

Who Could Have Predicted

... that importing Latin American congregants instead of catechizing and evangelizing at home would blow up in American bishops' faces? Peter’s Pence, the annual collection advertised by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops as raising money for the charitable works of the pope, is the subject of a class-action lawsuit…
More Atheists

The Cult Knows Better

... Than Christians when it comes to the Bible, or so we're repeatedly assured by the Death Cult. The character of the smug atheist who can quote Scripture chapter and verse better than Christian rubes from central casting is a shopworn oldpub cliche. Neither the fact that it's a dead…
Silver Lining

Silver Lining

Looking at the following charts in light of salvation history, it's hard not to see a divine hand in the West's onrushing demographic winter.     Not only are atheists already a tiny minority, their ranks overwhelmingly consist of white men, whose numbers are steadily dwindling relative to the overall…
Witch Test Twofer

Witch Test Twofer

The QuQu bags two witches in one go and provides an excellent example of what the Witch Test was designed to do. The Witch Test derives its unerring effectiveness from two facts: Western morality is based on Christian moral principles. Death Cultists reject Christianity yet are inveterate scolds compelled to…


If you've been reading this blog since at least the beginning of this year, you're probably aware of what I call the Witch Test. Social media these days is rife with concern trolls who shill for Death Cult shibboleths while using Christian doctrines as handy clubs to browbeat Christians. Sometimes…
Staggering Apostasy

Staggering Apostasy

Considering the Catholic hierarchy's widespread dereliction of duty, is anyone honestly surprised by the laity's staggering apostasy? [N]early seven-in-ten Catholics (69%) say they personally believe that during Catholic Mass, the bread and wine used in Communion “are symbols of the body and blood of Jesus Christ.” Just one-third of U.S.…