Hugo Nominee Review: Transhuman and Subhuman Part I, Transhuman and Subhuman

Hugo Nominee Review: Transhuman and Subhuman Part I, Transhuman and Subhuman

The fine folks at Superversive SF have asked me to join them in reviewing this year's nominated works in the run up to the Hugos. It's hoped that these reviews will focus attention on the stories themselves so that Worldcon members can cast informed votes based on the works' merits. NB:…
Responses to Sad Puppies 3: The Five Stages of Grieving

Responses to Sad Puppies 3: The Five Stages of Grieving

The counseling profession identifies five stages of grieving. Someone who suffers a great loss will first deny what has happened, then feel anger (usually misdirected) and depression before attempting to deal with the situation through ultimately futile bargaining, before finally accepting the new circumstances. Examining reactions to the 2015 Hugo…
Congratulations to the 2015 Hugo Nominees

Congratulations to the 2015 Hugo Nominees

The official list of nominees for the 2015 Hugo Awards have been announced! I extend my sincerest congratulations to all of the nominees. And seeing so many luminaries who've toiled unrecognized for decades finally receive nominations restored some of my faith in the SF establishment. Shortly thereafter, calls from supposed…

SuperversiveSF Roundtable

SuperversiveSF and Sci Phi Journal editor Jason Rennie is hosting a contributor roundtable tomorrow at 10:30 AM EDT. Several authors of the superversive tales and articles featured in Mr. Rennie's projects have been invited--and a few Very Special Guests may show up as well. The roundtable will take place live on Google…

Brand vs. Platform

Legacy publishers now consider an author's platform to be the single most important criterion for deciding whether or not to offer a book contract. "Platform" is of course one of those nebulous terms that's mostly used to inflate the speaker's perceived importance, like "statistically significant" or "equality". Jane Friedman at…
Archaic Industries that Are Still in Business

Archaic Industries that Are Still in Business

The increasing speed of innovation was aptly summed up by John Lithgow's character from Interstellar: "...[I]t felt like they made something new everyday. Some gadget or idea. Like every day was Christmas." The tireless march of progress has certainly endowed us with an abundance of technological goodies. It has also…
John C. Wright on Geek Gab

John C. Wright on Geek Gab

Attention geeks! Superversive author John C. Wright will be joining the hosts of Geek Gab on Friday, March 27 at 9 PM EST for an hour of no-holds-barred nerdery. The show will stream live on YouTube, and we'll be taking questions from the audience comments. Hope to see you there! Update: COUNT…

Short Fiction Book Bomb

Larry Correia's Book Bomb for novellas on the Sad Puppy slate was a smashing success. Help the Mountain that Writes replicate last week's success; this time with novelettes and short stories. I'm a little late to the party this week, but Amazon seems to have implemented a delay in their…
If there Were an Oscar for Best Hollywood Revenge Fantasy

If there Were an Oscar for Best Hollywood Revenge Fantasy

I recently saw--no, make that had the misfortune of being sucker punched by--an initially promising film that squandered its competent storytelling with a superfluous, jarring and gratuitous jab at a thinly veiled parody of a hate group painted with such broad strokes as to crudely slander millions within is own…

Novella Book Bomb

Today only, Larry Correia is hosting a Book Bomb for novellas on the Sad Puppies 3 Hugo slate. The idea behind a Book Bomb is to sell as many copies as possible in one day to maximize the book's Amazon ranking. Today's featured titles include One Bright Star to Guide Them by…