Should Discovery Writers Outline?

Fiction writers can be divided into two broad types: architects who draw up thorough plot outlines before they start writing, and gardeners, or discovery writers, who just dive in and play it by ear. Some writers are natural outliners. Others are natural gardeners. A common complaint of the latter is…

What Were the 80s Like?

With the final year of the 1980s now thirty-two years in the past, a phenomenon that strikes many members of Generations X and Y as both curious and bittersweet has emerged online. The first Zoomers are now twenty. That means two generations have now reached adulthood with no living memory…

Cursed Consoles

Despite their bleeding edge trappings, video games have come into their own as a mature technology. The video game industry is now older than most of the people reading this post. Like theater and movies, video gaming has amassed its own body of insider lore. This secret history runs the…


With the Trump phenomenon gone the way of the Reagan Revolution and the Death Cult's shock troops strangling alternatives in the crib, we've gained enough distance to place the past five years in context. One of the most tragic yet edifying spectacles of the last two presidential elections was the gang…
The Disney Hole

The Disney Hole

Spend any amount of time studying history, and you'll soon find it rarely follows a straight path. The past takes all kinds of twists, turns, and switchbacks from one event to the next. This phenomenon makes no exception for movie history. It's unimaginable now that Disney has become the world's dominant…
The Washington Generals

The Washington Generals

Frequent readers of this blog know I've dedicated a number of posts to exposing the faults inherent in Liberalism. I don't mean "liberal" as in the rhetorical shorthand invoked by the Washington Generals to mock the Harlem Globetrotters. It refers to the broad category of Liberal political philosophy of which Conservatism…
eBook Zombie Memes Won’t Die

eBook Zombie Memes Won’t Die

If recent events have taught us anything, it's that we can't trust experts or establishment media. Independent journalists and internal whistleblowers caught Google manipulating search results around the 2016 election. More than one online consumer revolt disclosed that journalists maintain secret email lists to collude on disinfo ops.All of which…
Secession from Megacorps?

Secession from Megacorps?

As the United States descends further toward becoming a banana republic, support for secession from the union reaches new highs. Monied interests obsessed with important unlimited peasant labor and unending war abroad have seized total control in Washington. Even democrat voters who'd been promised a minimum wage hike, student loan forgiveness,…
MS Gundam: 0083

MS Gundam: 0083

With innovation and originality in legacy entertainment now relegated to the past, I've been getting my fix from pre-Cultural Ground Zero properties. The best part of revisiting the classics is sharing hidden gems with friends who'd missed them the first time around. When it comes to anime, the late 80s to early…
Perpetual Revolution

Perpetual Revolution

The Death Cult's sole means of interacting with society consists of plunging it into a state of perpetual revolution. That's why the Cult is incapable of building. It only ever parasitize existing institutions. Meanwhile, their self-styled opponents in the Conservative camp have proven incapable of conserving a single institution. In hindsight,…