We Don’t Have Enough Road

We Don’t Have Enough Road

My informal study of book covers has prompted a question: is there some rule of graphic design that claims a causal relationship between sales and images of roads stretching from the foreground to a vanishing point in the background? OK. This one's pretty much obligatory. But this just seems like…
Shameless Flogging

Shameless Flogging

What would you do if the world kept ending, and you were the only one who knew it? That's my brilliant editor's tagline for my new short story "Strange Matter", available now in SCI PHI JOURNAL #3. My pitch was China Syndrome meets Groundhog Day, but his is better. "Strange Matter" is the hardest sci-fi tale…
Servile Art vs. Liberal Art

Servile Art vs. Liberal Art

First, I want to thank Daddy Warpig, Remi, and Dorrinal from Geek Gab. They made co-hosting the show one of the most entertaining and rewarding experiences of my fledgling literary career. My hat's off to their listeners for keeping me on my toes with thought-provoking questions. On to the main…

Geek Gab

I'm scheduled to appear on the Geek Gab podcast hosted by the geektastic Daddy Warpig! In case you don't know (for shame!), Geek Gab is an internet radio show hosted by the Alpha Geek himself, Daddy Warpig. The show's format is simple. Our gracious host discusses games, movies, comics (anything…
We Don’t Need No Education

We Don’t Need No Education

I've come across a number of articles by professional authors that deal in part with how much, if any, formal education is required to write professionally. (Specifically, should aspiring authors take creative writing classes, pursue English degrees, attend writers' workshops, etc.?) The consensus seems to be: "Get educated enough to…
Sci Phi Journal

Sci Phi Journal

When this age of instantaneous global information exchange began, it seemed inevitable that every fandom should have its needs served. For years science fiction and philosophy enthusiasts like myself were the sole exception. At long last, Sci Phi Journal has brought our intellectual famine to an end! Helmed by a…
Squirrel Chasing

Squirrel Chasing

This post marks a milestone. It's the first time I've blogged about a Twitter exchange. Trying to peddle logic where the medium ensures the participants will just end up talking over each other isn't my idea of time well spent. John C. Wright likens fruitless argument to chasing a squirrel. Yesterday…

The Tunnel of Indoctrination Indubitably

I recently had the displeasure of learning that Bradley University, my alma mater, will be hosting an "interactive event"/propagandistic carnival attraction called the Tunnel of Oppression. The production is staged by the campus Office of Multicultural Student Services, who claim that it "...highlights contemporary issues of oppression in a creative…
My Favorite Time of Year

My Favorite Time of Year

It's time once again for the Drunken Zombie International Film Festival. If you have the means, I recommend that you stop by Landmark Cinemas in Peoria, IL on Friday, November 7 and Saturday, November 8 for a worldwide selection of the finest independent horror films.
From Contemplation to Emotion: The Decline of the Novel

From Contemplation to Emotion: The Decline of the Novel

Let me preface this post by referring you to this outstanding essay by Mike Flynn. It covers the transitions in thought, art, culture, politics, and more that occurred between the Ancient, Medieval, Modern, and Post-Modern ages. All six parts are worth your time, but Part 5, dealing with the rise…