Genre Fiction

The Power of Genre

If you’re a new author reading this post, and you’re not out to become a self-help guru, odds are you’re interested in writing genre fiction. Let’s talk about how to approach writing fantasy, horror, mystery, and sci fi. First, it’s important to understand that genres aren’t just labels. They are…

Purpose and Placement

We’ve covered the importance of dramatic tension in scenes. Now let’s talk about how to structure them in a way that maximizes their impact. Scene structure is crucial to a novel’s success. A well-ordered scene can keep readers engaged and invested in the story, while a poorly structured scene can…
High-value Man

Hustlers and Hucksters

A relative newcomer to Catholic Twitter that's impressed me of late is Pinesap. I'm serious. This kid is on the ball theologically. Give him a follow:   If you need reassurance that not all Zoomers are deviant heathens, Pinesap's content is for you. Prime example: his recent thread on Manosphere…
Drama Club

Quit the Drama Club

Social media's rise to dominance as the indispensable marketing channel has has spawned the omnipresent phenomenon of eDrama. Nor are authors immune to the lure of chasing clout online at others' expense. That's true regardless of whether you signed with fakepub or self-publish. That's why every how-to guide aimed at…
Reagan Thaatcher Clancy

Set Yourself up for Success

Most folks in newpub unconsciously stumble out of the gate by calling themselves "indie authors". I know I did. But newpub means more than writing. If you go indie, you accept all the responsibilities of an author AND a publisher. As a result of indies' author-centric focus, a lot of…
Selling Books, Negocios Rentables

How to Write Blurbs that Sell Books

I'm glad for the help, because as I've said here before, a good product description is one of the most vital elements of newpub success. Newpub is always changing. That means your knowledge of the field has to keep growing if you want to succeed. Conferring and collaborating with brilliant…

Everything Is Sales

When aspiring authors come to me for career advice, the first question I ask them is why they're writing. Making a decent supplemental income is one thing. Making a living is a related, but different ballgame. Publishing a book just to scratch it off your bucket list and impress your…

Say No to Negativity

A major occupational hazard of being a dissident is the tendency to get black pilled. In terms of theology, aka real psychology, black pilling is the condition that results when someone's powers of observation have become so acute at detecting negatives - i.e. "noticing" - that they're dulled to discerning…
Fantasy Church

Deliver Us From the Evil Church of Evil

World building is the one element that sets speculative fiction apart from every other category of writing. When designing a secondary world, it’s crucial to establish a foundation of internally consistent principles to help readers suspend their disbelief. With the Easter season upon us, let's zoom in on an often-underdeveloped…
High Tension

High Tension

Of all the elements that go into a story, pacing is among the most misunderstood. Most writers think they know what makes a book feel fast-paced. A majority of them are wrong. Stringing short, clipped sentences into wall-of-text paragraphs within rapid-fire chapters doesn't always give readers a sense of speed.…