Tumblr: The Anime

Tumblr: The Anime

If you're an up-and-coming indie author who's a Millennial, a member of Generation Y, or even a Gen Xer, your dream scenario for publishing success probably includes getting your IP optioned as an anime series. For years the common refrain anytime an American voiced such hopes was, "Anime studios don't…
The Gundam that Wasn’t

The Gundam that Wasn’t

I've made no secret of my desire to make #AGundamForUS, but longtime reader Lee recently called my attention to a little-known failed Hollywood production that almost brought us a live-action Gundam movie in 1983. But the most ambitious and obscure of these false starts came relatively early in the franchise's…


This could be your Gundam, even though it's not technically a Gundam. Writer Bradford Walker concurs with yesterday's post on the need for a Western answer to the moribund Japanese mecha franchises and adds his own rallying cry. Left unsaid is this: fixing the issues is on us. We have…

The Decline and Fall of Mecha

This video, which was recommended to me by multiple trusted sources, endeavors to chart the course of mecha anime from its post-WWII origins through its peak in the 80s and 90s to its current malaise. Do give it a watch. My comment: I dropped out of the mecha scene--and anime…

Anime Is Real

Here's Russian figure skater Evgenia Medvedeva, world champion, record-holder, and 2018 Olympic gold medal favorite, performing as Sailor Moon. Observation: The moment when she unveils the Sailor Senshi costume--while spinning, you'll note--is the feminine equivalent of Clark Kent opening his suit jacket to reveal the big red S. As a…