Two Big Reveals

Thanks to our awesome backers, the Burned Book campaign is blazing bright on Indiegogo. In anticipation of reaching Stretch Goal 5, which as of this writing is just $21 away, I thought we'd start the party early with two big reveals from the project. First up, friend of the blog…

Work-a-Weapon 3

Special Announcement: Yep, the Burned Book campaign is doing a Black Friday sale, too. I think we've come up with some pretty exciting offers. Read to the end for details. I told you that Work-a-Weapon 3 would rock your world. But you didn't believe me. WHY DIDN'T YOU BELIEVE ME!…
WaW 2

Work-a-Weapon 2

If you've been following our whirlwind Neopatronage campaign, you know that the Work-a-Weapon perk gives you the chance to commission your own living item for The Burned Book! The first worked weapon turned heads. Now feast your eyes on WaW 2:   Soul Razor, the Magian Saber From the backer: This legendary saber manifests…
Work-a-Weapon 1

Work-a-Weapon 1

Having read author JD Cowan's post about the back-to-back paradigm shifts that have upended legacy publishing, it occurred to me that most of the discussion surrounding previous book industry revolutions focused on authors and publishers. Lost in all the controversy was any thought of how the fall of oldpub -…