Hugo Award Ceremony Tonight

Hugo Award Ceremony Tonight

The 2016 Hugo Awards ceremony will be held tonight, viz. August 20, 2016, at 8:00 PM Central Daylight Savings Time. If you'd like to listen in, the event will be streamed live via UStream. If you're averse to schoolmarmish hosting and wooden assholes, Rabid Puppies will be holding their own…
io9 Reports on the Dragon Awards. Misses the Point

io9 Reports on the Dragon Awards. Misses the Point

Gawker Media-owned science fiction blog io9 weighed in on Dragon Con's announcement of the finalists for their inaugural Dragon Awards. As anyone who's been following the controversy over the Hugo Awards will have come to expect, io9 completely missed the point. You don't really need to look any further than the…
Dragon Con Voters Nominate Souldancer for Best Horror Novel

Dragon Con Voters Nominate Souldancer for Best Horror Novel

I'm pleased to announce that my book Souldancer: Soul Cycle Book II has been nominated for Best Horror Novel in Dragon Con's first annual Dragon Awards. To refresh your memory, the Dragon Awards were conceived this year by Dragon Con in answer to SFF fans' demand for a true people's choice award.…
Sad Puppies’ Kate Paulk Reviews all Hugo Award Nominees

Sad Puppies’ Kate Paulk Reviews all Hugo Award Nominees

With five days of Hugo Award voting left, Sad Puppies IV leader Kate "The Impaler" Paulk concludes her reviews of works in every nominated category. The Campbells being the last category on the list, it just so happens that Kate's final series of reviews includes my eligible novel Nethereal. I…
Twitter Bans Milo. Rabid Puppies Release Ballot

Twitter Bans Milo. Rabid Puppies Release Ballot

Milo Banned Twitter's ongoing animosity toward Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos has now culminated in Twitter permanently banning him from their social network service. The company claimed that the reason for Milo's ban was his alleged incitement of a sexist/racist tweetmob. As we've come to expect by now, the allegations…
The Dragon Awards: Readers Suggest Souldancer

The Dragon Awards: Readers Suggest Souldancer

Among the many revelations of Larry Correia's Sad Puppies campaigns, one of the most eye-opening is the surprisingly small voter base of what used to be science fiction's most prestigious award. The Hugos' increasingly niche place in the exploding SF scene is readily apparent when you consider that last year's…

The Hugos Burning in the Flames of Controversy: Geek Gab Episode 51

Listen in as I join Daddy Warpig and our esteemed cohost John to discuss the controversy over this year's Hugo nominations. Hear DW wax poetic about Dr. Chuck Tingle, the most important author of our generation. Then I kill the mood by bringing up traditional SF Fandom's shameful legacy. Geek Gab…
Hugos 2016: Reactions to the Shortlist

Hugos 2016: Reactions to the Shortlist

Finalists for the 2016 Hugo Awards were released on Tuesday. It's something of an understatement to say that reactions have been mixed. Game of Thrones creator George R.R. Martin sums up the anti-Puppy consensus nicely: Those of us who hoped this year's massive turnout might give us something more palatable than…
The 2016 Hugos: I Accept the Nomination

The 2016 Hugos: I Accept the Nomination

MidAmeriCon II, the 74th World Science Fiction Convention, received over 4,000 nominating ballots for this year's Hugo Awards, nearly doubling last year's record set by Sasquan. The complete list of Hugo finalists can be found here. Congratulations to all of the nominees, especially Andy Weir, Kukuruyo, Jeffro Johnson, Razorfist, Jason Rennie,…

The Dragon Awards on Geek Gab

On the latest episode of Geek Gab, Daddy Warpig and I discuss Dragon Con's newly announced SFF awards. Will the Dragons mean the end of the Hugos? Will the CHORFs invade and converge Dragon Con? More importantly, is my work eligible? Listen in and find out! Bonus: this week's Geek…