College Tuition

Gen Y Profiles

My occasional posts on the various generations inhabiting Clown World draw a lot of comment. Somebody always expresses confusion over my tendency to eschew more common generational labels, which shift at the Boomers' convenience. Here's a helpful rundown of my preferred dates and definitions for each generation. Spend some time…
Dear Notre Dame: Mandate Chapel Veils

Dear Notre Dame: Mandate Chapel Veils

A Catholic mother recently penned an editorial pleading with young women at the University of Notre Dame to exercise a scintilla of modesty after a group of young women in skintight leggings scandalized her sons. The emergence of leggings as pants some years ago baffled me. They’re such an unforgiving…
White Knighting for Campbell

White Knighting for Campbell

The Unz Review shows how the Right all too often rushes to enshrine earlier Leftist subversion simply because it precedes current Leftist subversion. This time, the subject of misguided right wing hagiography is John W. Campbell, Jr. Alec Nevala-Lee, an Asian-American science fiction writer, has here written something remarkable: an intentionally…
Quintessential Boomerism

Quintessential Boomerism

Honestly, I didn't think people who still thought this way were real, but a recent brush with pure quill Boomerism on Twitter opened my eyes to the sobering truth that some people really are this out of touch. Here are expanded versions of both graphs: Dear Baby Boomers, Millennials may…
‘Member Moral Relativism?

‘Member Moral Relativism?

Any Christian old enough to have debated social issues with Leftists in the 90s and early aughts probably needs an abacus to count how often he heard a basic college Lefty say, "That's just your opinion, man!" That old moral relativist chestnut shared the 90s Left's affections with such vapid…
Practical to a Fault, Reprise

Practical to a Fault, Reprise

As a follow up to Monday's post on the arts, and in light of KameCon folding on Vic Mignogna, here's a guest post from the vaults by author Rawle Nyanzi about the Conservative tendency to dismiss art as somehow "not real". Rawle Nyanzi picks up from my previous post on…
Ars Longa

Ars Longa

Hang out around science fiction authors long enough, and you get the sense that they're all crazy. John Scalzi claims that Donald Trump and the weather conspired to give him writer's block. Patrick Rothfuss and George R. R. Martin have cited similarly temperamental reasons for not finishing their popular series.…
The First One’s Free

The First One’s Free

The phrase "taking the red pill" has become a bit of a cliche in dissident circles. It's so shopworn that pointing out it's a cliche is becoming cliche. That's not to say the metaphor is ineffective. Tropes are tropes because they work. It's also been frequently observed that getting redpilled,…
The Long Shadow

The Long Shadow

Lately I've been going back and watching movies from the 80s with an eye to overlooked gems that I'd somehow managed to miss all these years. A lot of Gen X and Gen Y folks look back on the 80s as a Silver Age--a George Lucas remake of the Golden…


Hollywood atheists spent the 70s, 80s, and 90s preaching a counter-gospel through movies and TV shows that went like this: "Religion has been holding humanity back. We'll usher in a bright, sexy utopia of pure reason once we free ourselves of bronze age superstition." You couldn't pick up a DAW…