The UK’s NEETdemic

In other news, it turns out the 19th century model of state-mandated education focusing on rote memorization isn't working any better outside the US. Across Britain, ... businesses ... say the nation's schools, technical colleges and apprentice schemes are not turning out the workers they need, from software coders and…

Death Cult Discipline of the Secret

If you still have your kids in Death Cult Seminary school, and you think you know what's going on there, think again. Because Cultist teachers now think they're 100 percent justified in keeping their grooming secret from Christian parents. A Washington teacher complained on Friday that many schools’ “guidelines and…

More Parents Raising Their Own Kids

The Death Cult anti-evangelists that infest the indoctrination centers once known as public schools are voicing dismay at the rising number of children escaping their clutches. The coronavirus pandemic ushered in what may be the most rapid rise in homeschooling the U.S. has ever seen. Two years later, even after…
Education Limits

A Hard Limit

As society continues its accelerating slide into the abyss, people are starting to realize that locking kids in state daycare prisons for eight hours a day doesn't make them smarter. Since I'm being contrarian on main, universal literacy and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. I…
Public School National Guard

Public Schooling Is Child Abuse

A large segment of the US population spend a sizable portion of their lives confined to state institutions fortified by fences, metal detectors, and federal guards. If you thought I was talking about federal prisons, you haven't been paying attention. It was bad enough the National School Boards Association asked…
Death Cult Seminaries

Death Cult Seminaries

That's what Death Cult priest  R. Tolteka Cuauhtin is openly campaigning to turn California's public schools into.   Next week, the California Department of Education will vote on a new statewide ethnic studies curriculum that advocates for the “decolonization” of American society and elevates Aztec religious symbolism—all in the service…
Student Debt Jubilee Now

Student Debt Jubilee Now

Zero Hedge reports that college tuition has grown at more than double the rate of inflation. As the issue of college affordability continues to be a prominent talking point on the campaign trail ahead of the 2020 presidential election, a new study shows that the cost of a college education…
Everyone Already Home Schools

Everyone Already Home Schools

... so why pay the state to propagandize your kids for an additional seven hours a day? Author and educator David V. Stewart lodges this objection--among many others--to our schools' pointless habit of assigning children homework. I think that the benefits to homework are pretty much nil, and it's nothing…