Croglin Grange Low Hall

The Vampire of Croglin Grange

Readers have been flocking to posts about vampires lately. So here's an old favorite: The Vampire of Croglin Grange. Back in Cromwell's day, the Fisher family left their ancestral home in Cumberland and moved south to more spacious accommodations. Loath to sell their old farmhouse called Croglin Grange, they leased…
Medvegia Vampire

Arnold Paole: The Vampire of Medvegia

It's been a minute since our last foray into the weird domain of high strangeness. Here's a historic account backed by official documentation that helped lay the foundation of modern vampire lore. From The Land of Thieves and Ghosts: Arnold Paole (otherwise known as Arnold Paul) was the subject of…
Philip Aylesford

Fabricating Philip Aylesford

As we've discussed before, the original Ghostbusters movie owes no small amount of its iconic status to how low-key based it is. One underappreciated aspect of the film is its subtle takedown of parapsychology. In case you didn't know, parapsychology is a pseudoscientific field for nerds who feel a deep…
Millennials’ Spiritual Affliction

Millennials’ Spiritual Affliction

Last week's testimony from a reader who's experienced strange nocturnal visions drew overwhelming comment. Based on the flood of responses, it appears that Millennials' spiritual affliction may be a real phenomenon that bears more investigation. The following are samples of reports from the comments and from X. I used to…
strange church

Strange Characters Showing up at Mass

A Twitter mutual and brother in Christ passes along this personal account. Spiritual battle, high strangeness, or flight of fancy? You decide. I had a very vivid dream last night. I dream fairly regularly, but every once in a while I have one that’s different from the rest & usually…

Of Church Dogma and the Dogman

It hasn't escaped consideration that two of our favored topics here - high strangeness and demonology - might incline those of a more secular Modernist bent to dismiss the whole blog as unserious. To them I'd point out that a worldview based on empirical positivism is hardly the default baseline…
Wizard Clip Sign

Wizard Clip and the Reverend Prince

High strangeness enjoyers have had to endure a bit of a wait since our previous true tale of the paranormal. Today the wait is over, and fans of the weird and the miraculous alike will agree it was worth it. This account has its beginnings in the same era and…
Strange Spirit

Discernment of Strange Spirits

A question pertaining to our previous tale of high strangeness comes from a user on X: Wouldn’t it be more likely, per the Church, that the “ghost” is a demon masquerading as the spirit of the officer? My answer:   Another user then chimed in to add this chilling personal…
Traffic Cop High Strangeness

High Strangeness Warehouse

Most of the tales of high strangeness we feature here happened years ago, but this one just surfaced yesterday. A friend of the blog writes: Brian I have a new High Strangeness that was just relayed to me in the breakroom at the warehouse My supervisor’s buddy who works at…
coffee spill influence

It Had Influenced him Before

For the segment of the audience that might still be in demon denial, pay special attention to this firsthand account from an anonymous reader: So this is back in the late '90s. I was, as most teenagers are, degenerate to at least some degree. At last my dad arranged for…