Stage Three Cancer

Nostalgic for Stage Three Cancer

A common obstacle to communication that can crop up between people with different outlooks and motives is the risk of talking past each other. This kind of miscommunication can arise on any subject. No topic of conversation is immune. Take Dunkaroos, for example. One man might point out that they…
The Mall

The Idea of a Mall

Yesterday a fascinating intergenerational conversation took place on X. And it put me in mind of a subject we haven't touched on in a while: The cultural impact of the mall - how it rose to dominance, and how it faded. While loving the idea of a mall is a…

Remembering Pope Benedict

As of last night, we passed our first year without the late Pope Emeritus Benedict. He had a short reign by modern standards, but he was among the most accomplished theologians ever elected to the papal throne – which is saying a lot. And like the best teachers of the…
December 25 Christmas

In Defense of December 25th

Advent is back, so the Reddit atheists and pagan LARPers have returned to display their historical and biblical illiteracy. That means it’s time to repost this perennial favorite piece in defense of December 25th so my readers can demolish internet atheists’ cringe “Christmas is Pagan!” memes. December 25 really is…
Little Big Horn

Ghosts of Little Bighorn

Special Offer: All writing is persuasion. But knowing what approach works and when can be a challenge. Let best selling ghostwriter Joshua Lisec show you the best persuasive techniques to supercharge your writing. Check out his offer now. Our previous high strangeness post drew some personal spooky accounts out of…
True Likeness

The True Likeness

Regular readers of this blog have known for some time that the Shroud of Turin is the real deal. In fact, a surfeit of physical and historical evidence - including a compelling logical chain of custody - makes denying that the shroud is the burial cloth of Jesus the much…
Real Heat

Real Heat

The life of a film buff is fraught with heartache these days, but every once in a while, you come across a story that makes it worthwhile. Prime example: The legendary conversation between Hanna and McCauley in Heat was taken word-for-word from real life! H/t Twitter user EvilTomHanks Here's the…
Spanish-American War

His War

Today is a holiday set aside to honor those who have served in the US armed forces. Most Americans just use it as an excuse to grill and subject extended relatives to inebriated declamations of their political beliefs. So it seemed like a good occasion to explore some actual military…
Christ's Birth

Defending December 25

Advent is back, so the Reddit atheists and pagan LVRPers have returned to display their historical and biblical illiteracy. That means it's time to republish this perennial favorite post so my readers can demolish internet atheists' cringe "Christmas is Pagan!" memes. December 25 really is the date of Jesus' birth.…

The Mediocrities’ Revenge

Here at the fall of Western civilization, it's more important than ever to preserve memories of history's greatest culture. I'm old enough to remember when the manufactured outrage against Columbus Day started to gain traction. I also remember the anemic response from BoomerCons, who couldn't conceive that the institutions and…