Dragon Con Interview

Dragon Con Interview

Recently the folks at Dragon Con interviewed a number of Dragon Award-winning authors, including me, They asked a series of writing-related questions via email and will be showcasing various authors' answers in a series of posts on their web site. Here are some highlights from their first post. Now in…
Sunsoft, Famicom, and the NES

Sunsoft, Famicom, and the NES

@Thundersteel81 passes along this AMA by a former VP of Product Development at legendary third party NES game developer Sunsoft. My name is David Siller and I was for four years VP of Product Development for Sun Denshi in the US also known as SUNSOFT.  I will try to answer…

Fighting the Void

Last week I had the pleasure of being interviewed on a live stream series aptly titled Fighting the Void. Topics covered include as close to a succinct recap of Sad and Rabid Puppies as I could deliver on short notice, a brief discussion of #ConGate, and a digression into Nick…
Author Interview: Adam Smith

Author Interview: Adam Smith

The Daytime Renegade recently conducted an interview with my friend and editing client, author Adam Lane Smith. Their discussion ranges over several fascinating topics that aspiring authors would do well to peruse. Adam's background and his experience with traditional publishing struck a particular chord with me. I grew up in…
L. Jagi Lamplighter Interview

L. Jagi Lamplighter Interview

L. Jagi Lamplighter Wright, my lovely and talented editor, and an accomplished author herself, recently gave an interview to the fine lads at Geek Gab. If you're an aspiring author, or even an old hand who knows there's always room to grow, don't miss this writing advice from one of…

Secret History vs. Alternate History

What is the difference between writing secret history and writing alternate history? How can authors mine the history of science to make feasible predictions about how technology might evolve? Do events unfold in a linear fashion, or is the one constant that history always throws curve balls? We endeavor to…
PulpRev Interview

PulpRev Interview

I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Jesse Abraham Lucas of PulpRev.com. He asked me about the Pulp Revolution, writing in general, and certain projects of my own. The following is an excerpt. Is there anything you can tell us about your WIP with Castalia House? Anything we…
John C. Wright On the Books

John C. Wright On the Books

It's an honor and my sincere pleasure to announce that Dragon Award-winner, multiple Hugo finalist, and Nebula nominee John C. Wright will be joining me to discuss all things science fiction on what is sure to be a landmark episode of Geek Gab: On the Books. The show begins tonight…
A Conversation with Jon Mollison

A Conversation with Jon Mollison

This week's episode of Geek Gab has already caused something of a sensation in the Pulp Revolution and affiliated communities. The cause of all this excitement is Jon Mollison, author and blogger at Seagull Rising and the Puppy of the Month Book Club. On the show this week, Daddy Warpig,…
JimFear138 Podcast

JimFear138 Podcast

I recently joined my good friend and audiobook narrator JimFear138 on his outstanding podcast. Jim has been killing it lately with a series of phenomenal guests on his show. I'm honored that he let me come on, and we both had a blast. I've done interviews before, but this one…