BOOK BOMB! After Action Report

BOOK BOMB! After Action Report

As far more people than I'd expected are aware, superstar author Larry Correia held one of his celebrated BOOK BOMBS for my debut novel, Nethereal. Obligatory BOOK BOMB! Explanation: For those who are unfamiliar with Book Bombs, how it works is that Larry picks a book, usually by a new writer,…
Nethereal BOOK BOMB!

Nethereal BOOK BOMB!

I'm proud to announce that today I'm joining forces with best selling author Larry Correia to BOOK BOMB! my breakout SF-fantasy novel Nethereal. What is a BOOK BOMB? I'll let Larry explain: For those of you unfamiliar with Book Bombs, what we do is pick a good book and a…
BOOK BOMB! for Nethereal: Wednesday, May 18th

BOOK BOMB! for Nethereal: Wednesday, May 18th

Quick but huge update! International Lord of Hate Larry Correia has decreed a Book Bomb! for my first novel, Nethereal on May 18th. The way a Book Bomb! works is for as many people as possible to buy the book on Amazon on the same day. That drives up the…
Interview: Sad Puppies Spokesmanatee Wendell the Manatee

Interview: Sad Puppies Spokesmanatee Wendell the Manatee

Harvard Business School, the Florida state legislature, and interdimensional insurance agents know him as Wendell T. Manatee: CFO of CorreiaTech. Crusaders against Puppy Related Sadness know him as the spokesmanatee for Sad Puppies. But this aquatic American largely remains an enigma to his legions of adoring fans and whiny detractors…
Reviewing the Breakout Novel: Monster Hunter International

Reviewing the Breakout Novel: Monster Hunter International

At a recent party with several bibliophiles, I overheard a buddy of mine talking about how much he loved Larry Correia's books. Another guy chimed in with something like, "Larry's stuff is OK if you like books where every chapter ends with an explosion, but it gets tedious after a…
Review: Hard Magic by Larry Correia

Review: Hard Magic by Larry Correia

A friend was recently asked which novel is the best introduction to Larry Correia's work. She recommended Hard Magic: Grimnoir Chronicles Book I, and I was reminded that, although I've read and enjoy the book, I haven't reviewed it yet. This post is meant to correct that oversight. NB: I'll do my…

Happy Birthday H.P. Lovecraft and Larry Correia

Today should be a global holiday for horror geeks. For on this day, the stars aligned not once, but twice, to gift the world with authors of singular vision whose work defined and popularized their genres. I speak, of H.P. Lovecraft, Prince of Weird Horror, and Larry Correia, International Lord…

Short Fiction Book Bomb

Larry Correia's Book Bomb for novellas on the Sad Puppy slate was a smashing success. Help the Mountain that Writes replicate last week's success; this time with novelettes and short stories. I'm a little late to the party this week, but Amazon seems to have implemented a delay in their…

Novella Book Bomb

Today only, Larry Correia is hosting a Book Bomb for novellas on the Sad Puppies 3 Hugo slate. The idea behind a Book Bomb is to sell as many copies as possible in one day to maximize the book's Amazon ranking. Today's featured titles include One Bright Star to Guide Them by…
Larry Correia on Geek Gab

Larry Correia on Geek Gab

Quick but major update: multiple best selling author Larry Correia will be joining us on Geek Gab tomorrow night at 7PM Eastern. Log in to YouTube for the live chat that will accompany the podcast.