Pope Remains Catholic

Pope Remains Catholic

... to the consternation of many CDS sufferers.Lifesite News reports:A question to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith about whether or not the Church has the “power to give the blessing to unions of persons of the same sex” was answered in the “negative” by the congregation’s prefect,…
So Long Uncle Rush

So Long Uncle Rush

Legendary talk radio host Rush Limbaugh succumbed to lung cancer yesterday. It's been dawning on more and more Americans that we find ourselves at the end of an era, and the death of Uncle Rush is a major sign of that historical transition.A lot of folks in dissident circles dismiss…
Biden Intervened

Biden Intervened

The ongoing GameStop stock squeeze saga has taken another potentially earthshaking turn. Yesterday, a whistleblower claiming knowledge of happenings inside the offices of trading app firm Robin Hood dropped a huge yet unsurprising bomb on Reddit.I work for Robinhood. Don't kill me.Low-level, technical shit, comp sciences major, not finance side.Guess…
Musk Melvins Wall Street

Musk Melvins Wall Street

It seems that Donald Trump may have been holding internet autists in check. Because no sooner did he leave office than a bunch of online pranksters rose up to bring Wall Street to its knees. Amateur investors piled further into niche stocks on Tuesday, sending professional short sellers scrambling to…
That Went Poorly

That Went Poorly

The country once ruled by vikings and now run by basic HR denizens once again steps up to be the sterling example of what not to do. Yesterday: Today: For the extroverts out there, I know you're chomping at the bit to get out and socialize once the quarantine is…
Zahn Goes Indie

Zahn Goes Indie

It's been a tough month for oldpub, Editors at the Big Five publishers were already scrambling for their Xanax and Franzia over the imminent collapse of their lumber monopoly. Now their living nightmare just got worse. For the two of you who cut school the day we discussed Timothy Zahn…
Pell Acquitted

Pell Acquitted

The Australian High Court has acquitted George Cardinal Pell, the former Archbishop of Melbourne, of twenty-year-old sex abuse allegations, overturning an earlier guilty verdict which in turn had overturned a prior trial outcome. After an ordeal that began nearly four years ago, and more than 13 months of imprisonment, Cardinal…
Anime Has Fallen

Anime Has Fallen

Contrary to many anime fans' hopes, the fanatical, totalitarian Cult that's usurped pop culture isn't letting a little thing like an ocean get in the way of their conquest. Funimation, the American dubbing and distribution house that made news last year thanks to a defamation lawsuit brought against them by…


Fortune makes fools of us all. The impeachment show that everybody thought would dominate the news indefinitely has taken a back seat to the rapidly developing story of the Chinese coronavirus outbreak. Though nobody trusted the Chinese government's patently bogus infection numbers or the blue checks making vapid comparisons to…