Gen Y on Xennial Odyssey

The Gen Y essay collection co-authored by David V. Stewart, JD Cowan, and me was recently reviewed on the Xennial Odyssey Podcast. Listen here. It's cool of the hosts to review the book, and it's good to know the word's getting out. Thanks to XOP for giving the book some…
Newpub Talk

Return of Newpub Talk

Until a little over a decade ago, you couldn't go online without being inundated by talking points from the popularly called New Atheists. In contrast to past popularizers of godlessness like Russell, Shaw, or even Sagan, the New Atheists largely dispensed with the genteel intellectual routine and waged constant rhetorical…

Return to the Dankstream

Number one best selling comics creator Jon Del Arroz was kind enough to have me back on his show yesterday. The topics discussed ran the gamut from the rapid normalization of child grooming to recipes for chicken fried rice. Comic book artist Ethan Van Sciver also popped in and out…

Cozy Theologian

Theology is a frequent topic of discussion on this blog. Because I'm a theologian, that makes sense. But sometimes even I don't have the best answer to my discerning readers' questions off the top of my head. That's normal, since a master doesn't necessarily have all the material memorized. What…
FF Tactics Retro-Spective

Retro-Spective Returns

Just a quick reminder that Geek Gab Retro-Spective returns with an all-new series on the cult hit tactical RPG Final Fantasy Tactics. And we'll be playing this classic game the way it was meant to be played: on a Play Station (technically a PS2 - remember reverse compatibility?) running the…
shaved profile

Escaping the Hate Mob

The gradual but rapidly accelerating collapse of civilization has added urgency to the longstanding dissident debate over where to run when SHTF. Each day awakens more normies to the fact that they cannot coexist with Death Cultists who are busily imposing their inhuman ritual laws on the rest of us.…

Don’t Need a Weatherman

...to tell you which way the shitstorm's blowing. Over the weekend, the accelerating decline of online culture experienced a fleeting reversal with the return of Mister Metokur. If you're not familiar with the digital gadfly also known as the Internet Aristocrat, the Weatherman, Daddy, or simply Jim, he started as…

The Post-Pop Cult Age

Almost everyone reading this grew up under a largely monolithic American pop culture. Whether it's Baby Boomers' love of the Beatles or the multigenerational Star Wars fandom that originated with Gen X, anyone who came of age in the past several decades could easily navigate the pop landscape by several…
The World You Were Raised to Survive In No Longer Exists

The Boomer Black Hole

Another round of black pilling on Generation Z swept through counterculture circles over the July 4 weekend. The hand-wringing for the future was occasioned by this survey. Now, the takeaway some are deriving from those figures, that only about a third of Zoomers believe in God, is provably nonsense. What…
Final Fantasy IV Rydia

A Storytelling Triumph

During last night's Retro-spective stream, my cohosts Dorrinal and Catholic Lancer mentioned how much of a storytelling triumph Final Fantasy IV is. It's said of many classic works in counterculture circles, but FFIV is the kind of game you couldn't get made today. The plot features multiple redemption arcs, public…