Soft Narcissism

Soft Narcissism

Alex over at Amatopia continues the discussion on conservatism's cultural failures begun by myself and Rawle Nyanzi. Alex's contribution is to go a bit more in-depth about why conservatives abandoned the field to Leftists in the arts. I contend that by abandoning the arts, conservatives created this illusion of being…
Practical to a Fault

Practical to a Fault

Rawle Nyanzi picks up from my previous post on the continued failures of conservatism with his theory on why conservatives have totally abdicated their former dominance in the arts. Mainstream conservatives are too practical, and this is why they ignore the arts. The US conservative ethos can be summed up…
Picking Comics’ Carcass

Picking Comics’ Carcass

The Zman offers an alternate explanation for the SJW infestation of the comic book industry as described by Jon Del Arroz. That came to mind reading this Vox Day post on the comic book industry. According to people who read comics and follow the business, it has been overrun by…
Regency Romance Authors Must Disavow Jane Austen

Regency Romance Authors Must Disavow Jane Austen

First it was cartoon frogs, then milk. Now the New York Times informs us that celebrated British author Jane Austen has become an insidious symbol for the dastardly alt-right. From the article: Nicole M. Wright, an assistant professor of English at the University of Colorado, describes finding a surprising Austen fan…

Trump’s Address to Congress

President Donald Trump delivered a speech--technically not a state of the union address--to a joint session of Congress last night. Here is the full video. A full transcript can also be found here. The theme: A new chapter of American Greatness is now beginning. A new national pride is sweeping…