Reader Mail: A Self-Publishing Primer

A new reader sends this request for help navigating the radically transformed publishing landscape: First off, I'd like to congratulate you on the success of the book bomb a couple of weeks ago, and I hope you continue to be successful in your writing career. I have a huge amount…
Why Indie Publishing Succeeded Where Indie Gaming Failed

Why Indie Publishing Succeeded Where Indie Gaming Failed

Indie game developers' quandary The topic of this post came to me after I happened upon a couple of videos on widely disparate subjects. While making my way through The Rageaholic's Hugo-nominated vlog series, I came across this episode explaining why hopes that indie developers will pull the video game…
A Defense of Big Publishing?

A Defense of Big Publishing?

Sci Phi Journal editor, 2015 Hugo nominee, and 2016 Hugo contender Jason Rennie raises some valid questions about my previous post on how big NY publishers are killing the traditional publishing industry. Hi Brian,  Just a thought (and a defense that might be offered so hopefully worth considering).  Big 5 publishers make up…
How Big Publishing Bias Drives Indie Growth

How Big Publishing Bias Drives Indie Growth

Is widespread political bias in big publishing enforcing a blacklist against openly conservative and libertarian authors? A few years ago, I would have greeted claims of publishers rejecting and blackballing writers based on ideological differences with skepticism. Sure, Manhattan, where all the big publishers congregate, has a pretty left wing…
Amazon Reviews and eBook Pricing

Amazon Reviews and eBook Pricing

Authors and bibliophiles alike should read this post by Larry Correia in response to an Amazon review for Son of the Black Sword. Your time is valuable, so if you're disinclined to following the link, the short version is that a reviewer gave Larry's book one star for the sole…
Sad Puppies: Cognitive Dissonance Makes Our Enemies Oblivious

Sad Puppies: Cognitive Dissonance Makes Our Enemies Oblivious

Predictably, my recent post about how advances in media technology are driving the Sad Puppies phenomenon--and the hostile reactions of its detractors--drew hostile reactions from SP's detractors. I argued that new tribes of science fiction fans are forming around movies, video games, and eBooks; leaving the New York publishing establishment ever…
Sad Puppies: Lords Temporal and Spiritual

Sad Puppies: Lords Temporal and Spiritual

Last time, we talked about the drastic changes currently underway in sci-fi fandom, and the media that are driving those changes. People with their fingers on the pulse of fandom have observed that SF is becoming more tribalistic. They're right. Due to the dominance of movies, TV shows, video games,…
Fandom Is Dead. Long Live Fandom!

Fandom Is Dead. Long Live Fandom!

If you change the medium, you change the message. Philosopher of communication Marshall McLuhan argued persuasively that advances in media, regardless of content, can incite dramatic, culture-wide effects. A best selling print book can reach millions of people, but turn that book into a hit movie, and you increase its…
How to Set the Price of Your Self-Published Book on Amazon

How to Set the Price of Your Self-Published Book on Amazon

Most publishers are pricing their eBooks too high. How much is an eBook worth? Several factors must be taken into account when attempting to answer that question, and the answer can change depending on the book. Consider Amazon Amazon reserves their best 70 percent royalty rate for eBooks priced between…
Tor Books: The Wind Does Not Respect a Fool

Tor Books: The Wind Does Not Respect a Fool

Kahless the Unforgettable will allow Tor's obstinacy--and recount it as a warning to others, It's been six months since public slanders against Tor Books' readers and authors by company employees Irene Gallo, Moshe Feder, and Patrick Nielsen Hayden incited a boycott against the publisher. How is business at Tor these…