Krampus 2015 Review

Krampus 2015 Review

Michael Dougherty describes the title character of his latest holiday-themed horror film, Krampus, as the "shadow of St. Nicholas". I was intrigued enough by this statement--and by Red Letter Media's glowing review--to go and see the movie. Horror fans are probably aware of Dougherty's spooky gem Trick 'r Treat--the best horror anthology film…
Reviewing the Breakout Novel: Monster Hunter International

Reviewing the Breakout Novel: Monster Hunter International

At a recent party with several bibliophiles, I overheard a buddy of mine talking about how much he loved Larry Correia's books. Another guy chimed in with something like, "Larry's stuff is OK if you like books where every chapter ends with an explosion, but it gets tedious after a…
Movie Review: James Bond 007: Spectre

Movie Review: James Bond 007: Spectre

SPOILER ALERT: This is a full review with spoilers. Proceed at your own risk if you haven't seen the movie yet. Over the weekend, I saw Spectre, the twenty-fourth film in Eon Production's James Bond series. First, some background. In my opinion, Daniel Craig's tenure as Bond has been a mixed…
Book Review: SJWs Always Lie

Book Review: SJWs Always Lie

Evil has a habit of taking good words and inverting their meanings. Consider that many now use "freedom" to describe slavery to base appetites and say "love" when they really mean "fleeting infatuation that ends when physical attraction fades". One of the latest terms to be hijacked is "social justice".…
Movie Review: Everest

Movie Review: Everest

Mountaineering--especially on the world's fourteen peaks over 8000 meters--has fascinated me for a while now. For documentation, see chapter 32 of my novel. Though the insane risks involved firmly relegate me to armchair enthusiast status, I usually welcome the chance to get some vicarious thrills through other people's foolhardiness. Everest,…
Nethereal Review at Yard Sale of the Mind

Nethereal Review at Yard Sale of the Mind

I'm greatly pleased to report that the redoubtable Joseph Moore has reviewed Nethereal with his customary insight and wisdom. Here's a sample: Nethereal is an exercise not so much in world-building as in universe-building. Niemeier creates a universe only superficially related to ours, and then explores the differences. This universe is…