

Special Offer: All writing is persuasion. But knowing what approach works and when can be a challenge. Let best selling ghostwriter Joshua Lisec show you the best persuasive techniques to supercharge your writing. Check out his offer now. The anthology format is a woefully underused cinematic style, in particular when…
The Matrix

The Matrix

Special Offer: All writing is persuasion. But knowing what approach works and when can be a challenge. Let best selling ghostwriter Joshua Lisec show you the best persuasive techniques to supercharge your writing. Check out his offer now. In this blog's retrospective film review series, we've covered the movie that's…
Robot Jox

Robot Jox

Robot Jox is an oft-overlooked specimen of 1980s dystopian sci fi. But unlike some of the other almost forgotten films of the era we've covered, it's not overlooked without reason. Note that I don't say "good reasons," but reasons nonetheless. Let's take a look at what I mean. Robot Jox…
Last of the Mohicans

The Last of the Mohicans

Frequent readers of this blog will already be acquainted with my appreciation for the films of Michael Mann. Today we follow the great director down a sudden career turn that proved as entertaining as it was novel. And I mean that last in both senses of the word. Mann's 1992…

Musa (2001)

In the annals of cinema, there are gems that transcend cultural boundaries. One such masterpiece is the 2001 Korean epic Musa, a stunning portrayal of honor, camaraderie, and the clash of civilizations. I'm a big fan of Korean cinema. It's one of the few places you can find expert craftsmen…

Underworld: Underwrought

Underworld, released in 2003, offers audiences a heady mix of preternatural action and stunning visuals.  The use of practical effects and the stylish cinematography add verisimilitude to the narrative, making the ancient war between vampires and werewolves seem plausible. And the Gothic cityscape of the film's unnamed location becomes almost…
Hunt for Red October

The Hunt for Red October

The defection of a beloved yet eccentric military commander threatens to tip the balance in a tense standoff between Russia and NATO, leaving the world teetering on the edge of nuclear Armageddon. No, that's not the news. It's The Hunt for Red October. Based on Tom Clancy's breakout thriller and…


Few films have captured the bloody logic and shifting loyalties of the criminal underworld with as much intensity and finesse as Michael Mann's 1995 classic, Heat. This movie is the high point of High 90s cinema, and with good reason. As we'll see, every element is executed with virtuoso precision…

Darkman: Shadier Than The Shadow

In the domain of pulp-inspired superhero movies, Darkman stands as a shining example of how to adapt a beloved character to the silver screen without featuring that character at all. What do I mean? Read and learn. Released in 1990, Darkman not only delivers a thrilling narrative but also proves…
The Mummy

The Mummy: The Post-80s Indy We Deserved

This blog's comparative movie reviews have struck a chord with readers. Today, we embark on a thrilling expedition into one of the most underrated treasures of the late 20th century: The Mummy (1999). As we dust off this Brendan Fraser-led gem, we'll explore how it outshines any post-1980s Indiana Jones…