Empire Strikes Back Revisited

Empire Strikes Back Revisited

As we watch Disney's ongoing desecration of a classic American franchise, it's comforting to know that there are fans dedicated to preserving what once was good in pop culture. Amateur British film restorer Adrian "adywan' Sayce is one such fan. Adywan's self-directed Star Wars: Revisited project caused something of a…
The Last Jedi and Fake Reviews

The Last Jedi and Fake Reviews

We already knew that The Last Jedi was a con. Now proof has surfaced that the reviled Star Wars movie's ridiculously high Rotten Tomatoes critics' score is likewise a sham. Geeks and Gamers reports on leaked audio from Fanboys director Kyle Newman, who admitted that Rian Johnson's abomination was just as poorly…
Vigorous Vulgar Language

Vigorous Vulgar Language

Three years after I cited Aftermath as the canary in Star Wars' coal mine, the author of the poorly written SJW message fic in question, soiboi poster child Chuck Wendig, has been informed his services are no longer needed. Chuck Wendig, the New York Times-bestselling author of the Star Wars: Aftermath…
You Better Recognize

You Better Recognize

Better late than never. It's encouraging to see Star Wars fans recognizing those who warned them of their beloved franchise's imminent fall. Here's @Dataracer117 reacting to my post from May of last year. Dubious praise, considering Yoda's Postmodernist turn in TLJ. The backlash wasn't hard to see coming, either, in…
Star Wars Is Still Dead

Star Wars Is Still Dead

Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy has renewed her contract with Disney for three years. The re-up comes as the division gets back on solid footing following “Solo: A Star Wars Story,” the Alden Ehrenreich Han Solo spinoff that suffered disappointing box office returns and behind-the-scenes drama after the studio dismissed directors…
Star Knight Saga

Star Knight Saga

Visionary, scholar, and Man of the West Bradford Walker announces his campaign for The Star Knight Saga, Book One: Reavers of the Void! No one's ever attempted a Space Opera like this. Real Robots, Super Robots, Knights with Laser Swords, Space Battleships fighting fleet actions by the thousands, heroes you…
Why China Hates Star Wars

Why China Hates Star Wars

The numbers are in, and Disney's Solo: A Star Wars Story has spectacularly let down Kathleen Kennedy and her media cheerleaders, particularly blue checkmark Twitter. The Disney shills' excuse-making has been markedly anemic this time around. Everybody knew after The Last Jedi fell off a cliff that audiences were fed up with…
Could Thrawn Have Saved Star Wars?

Could Thrawn Have Saved Star Wars?

Gamespot, of all places, just ran a story by Christopher Gates that made the same assertion I've been making since The Force Awakens came out, viz. that film adaptations of Timothy Zahn's legendary Thrawn Trilogy should have been the official Star Wars Episodes VII, VIII, and IX. It's hard to imagine…
Razör Was Right

Razör Was Right

The perspicacious Razörfist weighs in on the backlash against The Last Jedi with an appropriately profanity-laden review. Razör's prescience regarding the collapse of the Star Wars franchise under Disney merits his exuberant "I told you so!" It also bears mentioning that he's not the only one who correctly predicted Rian Johnson…
Neither Holy, Roman, nor an Empire

Neither Holy, Roman, nor an Empire

Appendix N guru Jeffro Johnson responds to charges from the Big Men with Screwdrivers crowd that Star Wars is not, and never has been, science fiction. Bruce Bethke weighs in yet again on a very old argument: this nutso idea that Star Wars isn’t science fiction: “Sure, it looks like science…