Despair Kills

Atheism Kills

This site has documented how atheism is over, with godlessness declining faster than any religion while Christianity holds steady as a percentage of the world population. But it looks like you can't keep a Reddit sperg with daddy issues down. Because the fedoras have sounded another quixotic charge at the…

It Don’t Matter

While a majority of Americans still practice Christianity at home, our rulers submit to a heretical secular religion. And they've taken pains to make sure Christians' beliefs have zero impact on public life. One can agitate for state-enforced child mutilation and not only be tolerated but praised. Yet refusing to…
Biden MAGA

The MAGA Paradox

The first midterm elections since the establishment honeypot setup that ended Trump's presidency are upon us. Now the MAGA movement faces a crisis - in the original sense of a trial or a test. Can it survive the shift from two-party presidential politics to put up effective dissent against the…
Charity First Rule

The First Rule in a Crisis Situation

Maintain your charity. The redoubtable Fr. Chad Ripperger explains how in this reader-suggested video. Watch it here:   Happy, hopeful, and practical. Read now:

The Christian Position

A reader writes: Hi Brian, I thought you might be interested in the story of one Father Sean Sheehey, who recently returned to his native Kerry from years spent in Louisiana. He made our national media for having a sermon this week where he fiercely attacked sodomy, transgenderism, and the…
Shia Labeouf Padre Pio

Tricked by God

The platypus is no longer the best evidence of God's sense of humor. Actor Shia LaBeouf said he converted to Christianity while shooting his upcoming film "Padre Pio" and has become a member of the Roman Catholic Church. Kidding aside, this is joyous news and still more proof that where…
Rosary Weapon

Weapons Flying off the Shelves

One phenomenon you can always count on is normal people rushing out to buy weapons anytime the Death Cult tries to ban them. Turns out that doesn't just go for physical weapons, but spiritual ones, too. Online shops that sell rosaries have reported a boost in sales following a controversial…

The New Qult

Since at least 2016, Leftists have been fond of calling Trumpism a cult. This label gained traction when the Q Anon prank bamboozled BoomerCons, and even more so after January 6 of last year. We all know the Death Cult's penchant for projection. But sometimes the rule "it takes one…
Out of Context

Francis Out of Context

Recent weeks have seen a spike in cases of FDS, or Francis derangement syndrome. For those who are new here, that's an affliction similar to the hysteria that still drives spiteful Leftoids to believe the worst spook stories about Trump. The same sort of mania that has millions of Dems…
John Paul the Great

An Exorcist Hated and Feared by the Devil

Reader Martin J. Ashwood responds to extremely online tradcath rancor toward St. John Paul the Great by citing this article: John Paul II was also an exorcist, hated and feared by the devil, according to the famous exorcist Father Gabriel Amorth. Until the beginning of his pontificate, exorcisms were considered…