The Divine Perfections

The Divine Perfections

Wednesday's post occasioned a number of theological questions which this post from the Kairos archives answers. Previously we defined what theologians mean by God: the necessary, self-existing uncaused Being that is the ultimate source of all contingent being. Having established God as the uncaused, necessary Being, we can conclude to…
The Problem of Evil

The Problem of Evil

The defining claim of atheism is that God doesn't exist, but if you listen to them long enough, you come to realize that atheists never argue against God's existence. In fact, there are really only two basic arguments atheists make. The first rests on the observation that the universe seems…
A Diabolical Heresy

A Diabolical Heresy

In case you still entertained any doubts that Liberalism--even Classical Liberalism--is a diabolical heresy fundamentally incompatible with Christianity, consider the following Twitter exchange: Behold the mental pretzel into which a self-described Christian must twist himself to accommodate the contradictory propositions that a) the true final end of human liberty is…
The Head of the Church

The Head of the Church

For all the criticism I level at the Catholic Church's current leaders on Earth, my motive is not hostility but filial love. Imagine a princely and ancient mansion that's been handed down in your family since the clan patriarch built it by hand 2000 years ago. It stood as a…
But Demons Are Interested in You

But Demons Are Interested in You

he moral and cultural degeneration that is readily apparent on college campuses, in the media, and in government has now grown so severe that even self-described secularists are openly contemplating whether we're seeing the work of demons. Tackling that question makes an apt follow up to my recent post on…
Angels and Demons

Angels and Demons

A reader writes: [O]ne thing has been made clear for me over the past few years: the existence of demons. Its something that myself and others have become more and more awakened to, thanks in no small part to the works of you and others mentioned. One thing that isn't…
Is the Dope Catholic?

Is the Dope Catholic?

A controversy making the rounds on social media lately centers around the question of whether Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden is Catholic or not. Tellingly, it's the Death Cult that's staunchly defending Biden's Catholic bona fides. Take note that "devout" is a word the Cultists trot out whenever they want…
Manmade Institutions

Manmade Institutions

Wherein the trade journal Marketing Science brings us further proof of the Pop Cult. H/t @Swordo9 on Tiwtter: The marketers who've pushed the concept of brand evangelism weren't just using a figure of speech. Man's innate religious impulse isn't being snuffed out. It's being captured and perverted by international corporations. Fitzsimons,…
Christ Is King

Christ Is King

America is still a Christian country--at least sentimentally--as a poll at Unz indicates. The two real shockers in these results are Christians' relatively low favorability numbers among Hispanics and their surprisingly high rating with Democrats. If more than two-thirds of Dems are honestly positive toward Christianity, it would mean that…

Moral Grandeur

Star Wars is dead, the Witches who've co-opted the franchise hate us, and you know my take on supporting such. That said, one of my mutuals on Twitter recently steered me toward an Orthodox archbishop's review of Return of the Jedi. This review was written during the movie's original run,…