De Magisterio et gentibus

For ordinary Christians, particularly Catholics, the mixed messages sent by clergy in regard to issues of race have been confusing to say the least. What does the Church really teach about race? The brilliant Classical Theist has thankfully done the heavy lifting to shed Magisterial light on the subject. If…

Martyrdom Is Coming

The next time some Fox News viewer tries to tell you that the current chaos is a result of conflicting 19th century economic theories, show him this video: Republican candidate for local office and professed Catholic Conor Martin documented the attack on Twitter. Yesterday, while praying for peace and unity…
One Break-in, One Angel

One Break-in, One Angel

A reader passes along this story. The story about the visitor to the Kildalton Old Parish Church struck a cord with me. I thought I might tell you a story from my family. I believe in angels. I believe in them because the Scriptures speaks of them. I also believe…
An Awakened Presence

An Awakened Presence

Emboldened by the tales of high strangeness posted on this blog, a reader shares a remarkable personal experience. I had a different kind of chill and encounter about a year ago.  We took a long-planned and long-delayed trip to Scotland, which included a day trip to the Isle of Islay…
For the Sake of His Sorrowful Passion

For the Sake of His Sorrowful Passion

... Have mercy on us, Lord, and on the whole world. Today we commemorate the sorrowful Passion and saving death of Our Lord Jesus Christ. As He emptied Himself of all for our sake, so we are called to purge ourselves of excessive worldly attachments. Good Friday is a day…
Pell Acquitted

Pell Acquitted

The Australian High Court has acquitted George Cardinal Pell, the former Archbishop of Melbourne, of twenty-year-old sex abuse allegations, overturning an earlier guilty verdict which in turn had overturned a prior trial outcome. After an ordeal that began nearly four years ago, and more than 13 months of imprisonment, Cardinal…
Remember Thou Art Dust

Remember Thou Art Dust

... And to dust you shall return. Ash Wednesday has arrived to usher in the Lenten season. During this time of preparation for Easter, Christians are encouraged to renew and deepen our vigilance in prayer, fasting, and penance. Before His glorious Resurrection, Our Lord first had to pass through His…
Who Could Have Predicted

Who Could Have Predicted

... that importing Latin American congregants instead of catechizing and evangelizing at home would blow up in American bishops' faces? Peter’s Pence, the annual collection advertised by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops as raising money for the charitable works of the pope, is the subject of a class-action lawsuit…
More Atheists

The Cult Knows Better

... Than Christians when it comes to the Bible, or so we're repeatedly assured by the Death Cult. The character of the smug atheist who can quote Scripture chapter and verse better than Christian rubes from central casting is a shopworn oldpub cliche. Neither the fact that it's a dead…
The Inverters

The Inverters

The recent news that the Anglican Communion is still notionally Christian drew some sniping from Libertarian pagans on Twitter. Readers familiar with this blog's treatment on presuppositional apologetics will know where this is going. The West is currently beset by outsiders who possess the corrosive combination of beliefs antithetical to…