Lent difficult

Lenten Difficulty Settings

On this Ash Wednesday, let's take a page from up-and-coming Catholic streamer Pinesap. Over on X, he shares the basic fasting requirements and suggests additional ways to grow in holiness these 40 days by dialing up your Lenten difficulty settings: Fasting Rules for Lent all Catholics are obligated to observe:…
Cassidy Hating Evil

Cassidy Faces Felony for Hating Evil

Back in December, veteran, former congressional candidate, and ardent Christian Michael Cassidy made national news for destroying a Satanic statue installed in the Iowa state capitol. Now, two months after ridding Iowa's legislature of the demonic idol, Cassidy faces a felony charge. His crime? Hating evil. DES MOINES, Iowa (AP)…

The Pop Cult’s Pyrrhic Victory

  Something unprecedented happened in America in the years between 1991 and 1998. Christian religious affiliation fell from around 90 percent to 75 percent among young adults of ages 18-35. As frequent readers know, something noteworthy happened around the same time. If you take the average of people who were…
Wizard Clip Sign

Wizard Clip and the Reverend Prince

High strangeness enjoyers have had to endure a bit of a wait since our previous true tale of the paranormal. Today the wait is over, and fans of the weird and the miraculous alike will agree it was worth it. This account has its beginnings in the same era and…

Ratioing Internet Atheists

It's Friday, so to lighten the mood from the heavy topics we've been covering this week, please enjoy the following highlight reel of me ratioing internet atheists. It all started with this piece of circular cringe: The natural response was, of course ... To be honest, I'd intended that meme…
Francis Vindicated

DDF Vindicates Francis on Fiducia

Last month, controversy broke out over a pastoral document issued by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith dealing with non-liturgical blessings for people in irregular relationships. The DDF doc, Fiducia supplicans, was seized upon by sensationalist news outlets in the Death Cult and radical traditionalist media to libel…

Remembering Pope Benedict

As of last night, we passed our first year without the late Pope Emeritus Benedict. He had a short reign by modern standards, but he was among the most accomplished theologians ever elected to the papal throne – which is saying a lot. And like the best teachers of the…
FInding God

How to Prove God and Find Him

Helping others clear away intellectual obstacles to faith in God and His Church is every theologian's solemn obligation. As Fr. Chad Ripperger has said, Hell is so bad that we shouldn't even wish it on our worst enemy. So it is in a spirit of fraternal charity that I offer…
Strange Spirit

Discernment of Strange Spirits

A question pertaining to our previous tale of high strangeness comes from a user on X: Wouldn’t it be more likely, per the Church, that the “ghost” is a demon masquerading as the spirit of the officer? My answer:   Another user then chimed in to add this chilling personal…
Venite Adoremus

Venite Adoremus

Christ the Lord! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af7qmTGuz5A Merry Christmas, everyone!