CT Walkthrough

Mysteries of the Catholic Faith Part 1

Want to confound smug Reddit atheists? Interested in God's perfections for their own sake? Looking to give a better account of the joy that is within you? Today is your day, since Classical Theist has returned to walk you through the mysteries of the Catholic faith. Watch and learn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3skOD6d-33U&t=30s…
St. John the Forerunner

A Bright Man With Wings

From Twitter comes an account of the highest possible high strangeness:   Thanks again to Dan for sharing. And glory and praise to Our Lord Jesus Christ through St. John the Forerunner!   As always, Brian brings the action Read it now:

From a Based Church, Lord Deliver Us

With the rise of dissident politics have come renewed assaults on Jesus from the right. The intersection of LARPy neopaganism and crude race worship has produced a small yet stridently single-minded contingent of screwballs bent on taking out their racial animus on the Church. Wiser heads have pointed out that…
High-value Man

Hustlers and Hucksters

A relative newcomer to Catholic Twitter that's impressed me of late is Pinesap. I'm serious. This kid is on the ball theologically. Give him a follow:   If you need reassurance that not all Zoomers are deviant heathens, Pinesap's content is for you. Prime example: his recent thread on Manosphere…
ZHPL Blocked

No Christendom Without Christ

I regret to inform you that the Big-brain Nietzsche Boys are shilling for apostasy again. That's nuPaganism apologists for you. The second their backs are turned to Christ, it's right back to the child sacrifice. And it's not just the BAPists who are trying the "How do you do, fellow…

Say No to Negativity

A major occupational hazard of being a dissident is the tendency to get black pilled. In terms of theology, aka real psychology, black pilling is the condition that results when someone's powers of observation have become so acute at detecting negatives - i.e. "noticing" - that they're dulled to discerning…
Fantasy Church

Deliver Us From the Evil Church of Evil

World building is the one element that sets speculative fiction apart from every other category of writing. When designing a secondary world, it’s crucial to establish a foundation of internally consistent principles to help readers suspend their disbelief. With the Easter season upon us, let's zoom in on an often-underdeveloped…
Glencairn Pieta

It Is Finished

So the soldiers took charge of Jesus. Carrying his own cross, he went out to the place of the Skull (which in Aramaic is called Golgotha). Here they crucified him, and with him two others–one on each side and Jesus in the middle. Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened…
Pope Francis Puffer

The Cure for Francis Derangement Syndrome

Just as it is incumbent upon every son to defend his mother and father from spurious insults, it is every Catholic's duty to defend Holy Mother Church and her visible head on Earth, the Holy Father. In that regard, an ongoing project of this blog has been refuting the steady…

In Defense of the Deuterocanon

Yesterday on Twitter a friendly ecumenical dialogue developed around the Witch Test. The biblical Deuterocanon came up, and the resulting discussion struck me as a perfect teachable moment. If you're not familiar with the Deuterocanon, it refers to the parts of the Bible that Catholics and Orthodox accept as divinely…