St. Patrick Getty Images

The Breastplate of St. Patrick

In these days of growing persecution, it's more important for every Christian to put on the armor of God. St. Patrick provides the Breastplate. I arise today Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity, Through belief in the Threeness, Through confession of the Oneness of the Creator of…

A Question of Scruples

Being a theologian who travels in circles that take their faith seriously, one of the subjects people ask me about most often is scrupulosity. In case you don't know what scruples are, the term comes from the Latin idiom for a pebble in one's shoe. It's a nagging irritant that…
The Pillcoaster

The Pillcoaster

A vicious cycle that tends to afflict dissidents is the white pill-black pill rollercoaster. You see this phenomenon when some news story seems to signal a reversal of--or at least a pause in--the West's long cultural decline. The white-piller gets a dopamine rush that puts him on cloud nine. When…
Burning Branches

A Branch That Withers

File under: Schismatics gonna schism. A group of 12 Anglican archbishops from around the world have announced that they no longer believe the Church of England to be their “mother church” after the General Synod voted to allow priests to conduct blessings of same-sex couples in civil union. In a…
Ash Wednesday

The New Adam and the New Eve

In honor of Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent, I think it's fitting to start today's post with a perennial memento mori. Then to Adam He said, “Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘You…

They’re Still Coming for Christians

The feds have gotten some bad press of late for persecuting pro-life activists. Now we're hearing from whistleblowers that the FBI is targeting Catholics under the guise of policing "violent extremists." Watch the story: In all honesty, this spying on the Church isn't new. A relative of mine by…
Josh Alexander

Reason #8,964,283 to Raise Your Own Kids

Let me preface this story by pointing out it happened in Canada. With a tyrannical dictator for life who's legally sanctioned sacrificing his subjects to the Enemy, it's the nearest Current Year equivalent to Mordor. Josh Alexander, a Canadian high school student who protested his Catholic school last year allowing…

Satanic Sacrament

Some people still think I'm exaggerating when I call our debauched ruling class a Death Cult and abortion their unholy communion. But current events keep making it harder for people who downplay those realities to keep their heads in the sand. The Satanic Temple isn’t just promoting the killing of…

Houck Acquitted

Sometimes the good guys win, even in Clown World. A while back, we covered the case of pro-life activist Mark Houck, who was arrested in an FBI raid on his home, in front of his wife and children. One of multiple reprisals against Christians launched by the Moloch-beholden Justice Department…

A Rash of Sacrilege

The so-called Culture War is one front in an escalating war between Satan and the Church. You could be excused for not realizing it, since the media tends to bury reports of attacks motivated by hatred of the faith. Because the press is the enemy. But the situation is getting…