The Jim Snow Era

The Jim Snow Era

Straight, white, Christian Americans who still cling to the fiction that their citizenship affords them rights and protections against the mob and the state would do well to heed the words of the Z Man: This is Jim Snow America. A white kid following the rules is guilty, no matter…
The Wild West

The Wild West

Around the country, typical GOP voters are asking themselves why the current round of race riots has been allowed to go on for almost 90 days. After all, local and state officials have no trouble shutting down Corona virus protests. They should be able to stop looters from ransacking the…

Virtues of the Awakened Saxon

Kipling's famous--some might say infamous--poem "The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon" has gained a great deal of traction in dissident circles. I maintain that a major reason why this poem has resonated with the current generations of young men on the right is that it highlights the masculine virtues they…

The Generational Wealth Gap

A common criticism levied at the Baby Boomers by members of younger generations is that Boomers as a group have hoarded disproportionate wealth while leaving their posterity only crumbs. Now Business Insider has provided data showing that not only are younger generations' suspicions of having been robbed correct, the generational…
America Judgment

When Did America Die?

Each day, more people wake up to the fact that, "How can we save America?" is a pointless question. America is already a corpse. Many of us have finally noticed that it's stopped twitching. A better question is, "When did America die?" Was it last year, when Trump signed the…
Like a Lead Balloon

Like a Lead Balloon

As a vindication of yesterday's post, polling shows white support for BLM evaporating. The mainstream media have done their best to memory hole the previous collapse in support for BLM, when a sniper associated with the movement assassinated five Dallas police officers in 2016. It's especially noteworthy that support for BLM…
Devil Horns

Don’t Don the Devil Horns

Wherein I lay out the morally and rhetorically correct response to the Death Cult's demands for reparations. From Twitter:   To recap: The Left isn't after anything rational. They are a hysterical Death Cult motivated by moral posturing which reinforces their sense of identity. They reinforce the sense of moral superiority…
Don't Give Money to People Who Hate You

Generational Wealth

A commenter writes: Are the elites who are running this of the same quality of mind as their great and great great grandparents who started much of this at the turn of the century? My impression is the current crop is lacking in patience, and is not as equipped as…

Don’t Take the Bait

First, a piece of good news for those who've rightly grown frustrated with the clergy's often muddled response to the current wave of Death Cult iconoclasm. To their credit, the Archdiocese of St. Louis is largely getting it right. In a statement on Sunday, the Archdiocese of St. Louis defended…
Who Is Raz?

Who Is Raz?

There may be much more to the warlord of CHAZ than meets the eye, if this Twitter thread by a Washington State rep candidate bears any semblance of the truth. Link link Clinton Foundation link Now, does Krabach's thread smack of red twine style apophenia? Possibly, but to paraphrase Sam…