Souldancer Book of the Year Nomination

Souldancer Book of the Year Nomination

The Conservative-Libertarian Fiction Alliance has announced that my novel Souldancer, which won the 2016 Dragon Award for Best Horror Novel, has been nominated for 2016 CLFA Book of the Year.

The nominations are in and counted, and the CLFA is thrilled to present our ten finalists for the CLFA Book of the Year 2017!

Beginning in January 2017, CLFA members have been hard at work, compiling a list of our favorite 2016 releases. We ran several rounds of voting to refine the list to the top ten in the survey. For the final winner, we always open up voting to the public.

To be eligible, books must be fiction of any genre and of novel length (50k words or more), initially published in any form (print, digital, or audio) during the calendar year 2016. Books may be an indie, traditional, or anything-in-between publication.

Voting is open until midnight on March 31, 2017. Winners to be announced in April 2017. Have at it!

Now, I’m neither a Conservative nor a Libertarian, but I bow to the readers’ stated preferences and humbly accept their nomination of my work. Thanks to everyone who nominated SD. And although victory is far from certain since I’m up against the likes of Declan Finn, John Ringo, Peter Grant, and John C. Wright, I will be honored to accept this prestigious award should the voters choose Souldancer win.

You can vote for free via the link found at the CLFA web site.

And if you haven’t yet read the highly acclaimed SFF novel that readers are comparing favorably to the works of A. Merritt, Frank Herbert, and Iain Banks, don’t miss out! Souldancer is available at the link below.

Souldancer - Brian Niemeier



  1. Woelf Dietrich

    A hearty congratulations.

    • Brian Niemeier

      Thank you.

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