1. anonme

    It's brutal. It almost sounds like warpig is suffering from PTSD from watching it.

    • Brian Niemeier

      You have to believe me: I tried to warn him! Oh, how I tried!

  2. Jared Burrell

    What do you mean about kids shouldn't watch it? In what way did you feel it was harmful, in terms of themes, lessons, and events? What poison is he talking about here?

    • Brian Niemeier

      Ask the hosts and guests of the show. I wasn't on that episode.

    • Jared Burrell


  3. Eli

    I told my wife just recently that I'm done with Disney Wars. They screwed it all up. They hate heroes. They hate tradition. They hate the very franchises they own (I'll include Marvel.) And I'm pretty sure they hate me as well. It's disheartening to see what they did with the franchise. I was a huge fan of Star Wars growing up. Like most boys were no doubt. Now it's all gone. Just so nihilist/feminists/globalists shills can pat themselves on the back and tell themselves they did a good job. They didn't. They won't. Rian Johnson and JJ Abrams are frawds. Kathleen Kennedy is also now only known for ruining Star Wars in my mind. No matter what great movies she helped produce back in the day. Her shrieking feminist ways and wanting to warp the lore of one of the best franchises of all time is maddening. I reject Disney canon and will now only go back to the old Legends books, comics, and games. I think I hear KOTOR calling my name just now. Sorry for the rant.

    • Brian Niemeier

      No need to apologize. Anger is an essential step in the grieving process, and as Howard Beale taught us, you have to get mad.

    • Man of the Atom

      This comment has been removed by the author.

    • Man of the Atom

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    • Man of the Atom


      Liberating philosophy, Mr Finch. "Network" was the flag on Fake News in 1976, among other unintentional predictions.

      Harambe answered, "A cucked and SJW-converged entertainment company asks for a miraculous payday! But none will be given it except the rant of the prophet Howard Beale."
      — Blessed Book of Pepe, Chapter 7, Verse 42.

    • xavier

      I agree with you. It's despicable if not evil what Disney's done. One can only imagine what the execs will do to the 20th century fox archives.

      Bradford argues that Disney is acting like a conqueror who denigrates the conquered's culture and myths so the inculcate theor defeat.
      I find that rather arresting.
      What neefs to be done is to fund Galaxy's edge. Alt hero has shown how crowd funding will work and just like Passion of the Christ stunned Hollywood.


    • Brian Niemeier

      Howard Beale and Harambe need to host a panel show on YouTube.

  4. Pat D.

    I think it's telling that so much of the praise for Last Jedi amounts to "plebs can't handle it lol".

    • Brian Niemeier

      "Star Wars fans are dead. Star Wars fans don't have to be Star Wars' audience."

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