Tosca Lee’s Judas

Tosca Lee’s Judas

In case any Christian authors are still seeking oldpub book deals, this account fro best selling Christian author Tosca Lee should disabuse you of that ambition.

Tosca Lee

Based on the reviewer’s comment, I’d imagine the book he refused to review was Lee’s Iscariot, a novel about the apostle who betrayed Christ.

It seems another reminder is needed. Very well, I’ll keep reminding Christians that we’re at war with a fanatical death cult bent on our total destruction until it finally sinks in. No servant is greater than his Master. They hated Him first. He chose us out of the world, so the world hates us.

No, we cannot reason with them. No, we will not be left alone in the ghettos we’re building for ourselves. No, the cavalry is not coming to save us.

Both wings of America’s bifactional ruling party are coming together to strip the rights to speak and bear arms from “white supremacists”, which everyone knows means “people Leftists don’t like”. We also know they hate the Christ and His followers more than anything.

The first part of Cardinal George’s prophecy has come to pass. His Eminence died peacefully in bed. The second and third parts–his successor dying in prison and his successor dying a martyr in the public square–are on track for fulfillment.

Don’t indulge in self-pity. These woes wouldn’t be upon us if Christians hadn’t turned our backs on Christ en masse. Chastisement now seems unavoidable. But it can always be mitigated. The sooner we reject the world and return to Christ, the sooner Clown World ends.

As for Christian authors and readers? Why give your money to publishers who hate you and despise God? Publish yourself, and support newpub authors.

Combat Frame XSeed - Brian Niemeier


  1. Wolfman

    We are a Cult of Life facing down all the Cults of Death.

    • Brian Niemeier

      With the stakes being nothing less than every soul on the planet.

  2. Tim Ward

    Tosca is an outstanding person and author. It’s their loss to not read her books.

    • Brian Niemeier

      They're on course to lose more than that.

  3. CrusaderSaracen

    Anyone on the sidelines: I encourage you to throw your hat in the ring and join the fray. The future for our children depends on it

    • Brian Niemeier

      Hear, hear!

    • Nova Centum

      CrusaderSaracen – Working on it. Not ready yet, but getting there.

  4. Nova Centum

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. CrusaderSaracen

    Makes me wonder how Brandon Sanderson gets by

    • Brian Niemeier

      Doesn't it, though?

    • CrusaderSaracen

      I know his particular editor Moshe Federer is the one who had a big falling out with John C Wright and by his twitter hates everything to the right of Stalin and bearing even the slightest hint of loving Christ so….what gives?

    • Brian Niemeier

      It might just be that Sanderson and Feder aren't in fundamental disagreement.

    • CrusaderSaracen

      That’s both plausible and disappointing

    • CrusaderSaracen

      The more I think about it the more it becomes inescapable. Feder isn’t one to live and let live (leftists never are) so Sanderson “going by to get by” becomes more and more impossible

  6. Alexander

    Ahem, if I may shill for myself…

    My next book, out in two weeks provided the formatter can get to it as scheduled, is a Christian-themed sci-fi sword-and-planet (and guns!) involving Christians forced off Earth by a one-world death-cult type government only to land on an equally inhospitable planet.

    More here, plus the awesome cover:

    And Brian, if you DON'T approve of shilling in your comments section, please feel free to delete this comment.

    • Brian Niemeier

      You have conducted yourself respectfully and courteously like a good guest. Have no fear.

      And contact me when the book launches, please.

    • Alexander


      Thank you sir. I only plugged because it seemed germane to the conversation at hand.

      I will contact you at launch.

      And speaking of books, I FINALLY read CY 2 Gaiden and am looking forward to CY 40!

    • Brian Niemeier

      I'm delighted you read the free short, Alex. Welcome to Nova Frontier!

      I eagerly await your review of CY 40.


  7. Jason Hunt

    We're open to reviewing books by authors of all stripes, and we'll givevit as fair a shake as we can. I'm ready to start being more aggressive in going after an audience that's tired of sites playing Intersectional Twister.
    Feel free to let us know how we're doing.

    • Brian Niemeier

      Send me an email. Contact link's at the upper left.

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