#ZoeBodyCount Sparks #GamerGate 2?

#ZoeBodyCount Sparks #GamerGate 2?
Alec Holowka

The man in the picture above was accused of sexual assault by conniving Jezebel Zoe Quinn. Are the allegations true? We’ll never know because he’s dead now.

Game developer Alec Holowka killed himself on Saturday morning. His suicide followed his public drumming out of the industry as a result of Quinn’s accusations.

Quinn, it should be noted, is the predatory tart whose escapades may have incited #GamerGate. Since then she’s ridden the professional victimhood gravy train, raising $80,000 for a Kickstarter she failed to deliver on, landing a writing gig at Vertigo which helped kill the imprint, and failing upward to another writing job at Marvel.

Word through the grapevine is that Zoe’s jet setting lifestyle drained her Kickstarter funds. Her Patreon has also seen a steady decline since her GG heyday.

Zoe Quinn Patreon

As if the timing of her allegations against Holowka wasn’t suspicious enough, rumors are circulating that Quinn was about to face her own turn in the #MeToo hot seat. She has her own history of well-documented impropriety, after all.

Wolf Wozniak

Quinn’s Twitter account remains deactivated or hidden as of this writing, but you can bet she’ll be back once she finds a way to profit from driving a man to suicide.

Meanwhile, #Killstream host Ethan Ralph has started the #ZoeBodyCount hashtag, which he and his frequent collaborator Gator got trending on Twitter over the weekend.

Mister Metokur even surfaced from self-imposed exile to host a stream about the incident. As the man whose exposé of Quinn’s unethical behavior did more to start #GamerGate than anyone gives him credit for, Jim denied that Holowka’s suicide would lead to #GamerGate2.

In Zoe’s absence, a host of blue-haired sycophants have mobilized to distract the public from Quinn’s role in Holowka’s suicide to the victim’s alleged sexual misconduct.

Holowka isn’t here to defend himself. If he was guilty, he’s more than paid the price. Zoe Quinn, on the other hand, is still with us and may be guilty of murder and calumny, which is worse than murder.

If I were Holowka’s next of kin, I would file a wrongful death suit against Zoe Quinn. But I’m not, and she is unlikely to see the inside of a courtroom.

The human hunger for perfect justice despite its absence from this world testifies to the reality of divine justice.

Unlike Literally Who, I’ve delivered on every promise I made to my backers. Support independent creators. Back Combat Frame XSeed: CY 40 Second Coming today!

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  1. Bowie

    –"The human hunger for perfect justice despite its absence from this world testifies to the reality of divine justice."

    Very timely thoughts, as today's Responsorial Psalm from the Daily Lectionary states:

    Before the LORD, for he comes;
    for he comes to rule the earth.
    He shall rule the world with justice
    and the peoples with his constancy.
    R. The Lord comes to judge the earth.

    • Brian Niemeier

      Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?

  2. D.J. Schreffler

    >Unlike Literally Who, I've delivered on every promise I made to my backers.

    Can confirm that Brian has delivered on every promise he's made to me, both within and without the context of backing his projects.

    • Brian Niemeier

      Pleasing readers is my life.

      Speaking of which, check your email.

    • D.J. Schreffler

      Just checked and….that is amazing.

      Except it's right-handed!

      Still amazing and very pretty.

  3. Heian-kyo Dreams

    Her description of what (didn't) happen implies that her vagina is really a bowling ball.

    Nothing about her description of the fake sexual assault was based in reality. And yet people believed it and now a man is dead.

    • Brian Niemeier

      Possibly added to rile up Orange Man Bad! NPCs who won't question how ridiculous it is?

    • Heian-kyo Dreams

      Or test how retarded "believe all women" is. Oh wait, same bunch of idiots.

      Remember, the modern definition of "a girl on each arm" doesn't mean your arms casually thrown around their shoulders, it's more like carrying a seagull-killing six pack. Or something. Because believe all clown world women.

    • Brian Niemeier

      "Seagull-killing" is a great adjective.

  4. xavier


    Her twitter name and the image are very telling.
    Unburnt witch and a pentagram image.
    Striking no?

    I look at her and fear God's divine justice. That could be me too.


    • Brian Niemeier

      It's convenient when they waive the witch test and just declare their allegiance openly.

    • xavier


      Good point. She'd better hope for justice in this world so he can amend.


    • CrusaderSaracen

      God’s mill grinds slowly but finely. If there’s no judgement on this Earth she will face judgement in the hereafter and – as we all will – have to account for her sins

  5. JD Cowan

    Happy 5th Anniversary! Nothing's changed.

    • Brian Niemeier

      *Jay Bauman voice* yaaay.

  6. CrusaderSaracen

    This prompted me and my best friend, whom I love like a brother and intend to go into the video game/anime business with, to have a discussion about what would happen if one of us got “me too’d.” We trust and love each other implicitly and without any waffling or delay both said that we’d always have the others back, something more valuable in this day and age than any amount of gold or money. I only wish that Alec Holowka had someone like that, it perhaps could have saved his life. May he go with God

    • Brian Niemeier

      Hear, hear. The way Mr. Holowka's former business associate Scott Benson, whom Holowka made rich, defiled his memory proved an especially shameful case in point.

    • CrusaderSaracen

      It’s hard to find people you can trust. I’m glad God guided me to mine

    • Brian Niemeier


    • JD Cowan

      People in these groups don't have friends. They don't understand others well enough to have anything other than comrades who will use them as stepping stones to get a little bit more.

      The loss of true friendship is one of the worst things to happen to the modern world. I'm certain it would help prevent so many of these suicides, but their religion comes before that.

      Just look at how fast they stood on this man's corpse to prop up their queen.

      It's disgusting.

    • Brian Niemeier

      The more sensationalistic warping of eros often overshadows the wholesale destruction of philos. Most people have no idea how to have relationships that aren't transactional.

    • CrusaderSaracen

      There is a reason the lowest circle of Hell is reserved for traitors

  7. CrusaderSaracen

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