Danger With Opportunity

Danger With Opportunity

One danger that dissenters from Death Cult dogma should regularly remind ourselves of is that the Cult is now the mainstream, so most folks don’t share our views on pop culture. Keeping tabs on reactions to my Pop Cult exposé, I’ve been surprised to see how many ordinary Conservatives–even devout Christians–still think the problem with show business is a few bad apples pushing Leftist politics.

The truth is that a cabal of fanatics has been working day and night to infiltrate the entertainment industry and pervert it into a propaganda machine. They’ve been at it for decades, and now nearly all major studios and publishers bow the knee to the Cult’s high priests.

You’d be forgiven for mistaking these screencapped tweets from a self-described game creator for the scribblings on a lunatic asylum inmate’s walls. The inability to discern reality from fantasy used to be a symptom of psychosis. Now it gets you a cushy sinecure pretending to make art while gibbering on Twitter.

You couldn’t ask for a better example of Death Cult doctrine in practice. The Cult’s central tenet is that any limit on personal expression, even reality, is oppressive and must be destroyed. A lot of people assume it’s hyperbole to say that the Cult wants to destroy reality, which is odd because the Cultists’ own public professions constantly refute that assumption.

That’s why claims of the entertainment industry pushing anti-normal person agitprop for profit ring false. The Cultists in charge of our entertainment are laboring under a form of self-induced schizophrenia. They really believe that casting cape flicks with disabled lesbian Eskimo Wiccans will usher in an earthly paradise free of straight, white, Christian men.

Herein lies another danger, but a danger with opportunity. As folks on our side keep repeating, reality doesn’t go away when you stop believing in it. Having billions of dollars to run damage control helps delay the inevitable, but in the end reality always wins.

New York publishing was probably the first entertainment sector to fall under the Death Cult’s sway. They’ve been pushing agitprop disguised as literature since at least 1937. Oldpub has been limping along, mortally wounded for years. Now Corona-chan has administered the coup de grace.

The Pop Cult is about to meet its long-overdue reckoning with reality. That means most of the corrupted IPs that members of Gens X and Y and the Millennials are addicted to will soon implode. That’s a crisis, but it’s also another opportunity for independent creators. Amazon sped up Oldpub’s demise through creative destruction. Indies should be getting ready to leave the sidelines and rush in to fill the cultural vacuum the Pop Cult is about to leave.

For a more in-depth treatment of the coming indie Renaissance, check out the latest episode of Geek Gab where I join Daddy Warpig and Dorrinal to discuss what comes next.

And for practical advice on how to escape the Pop Cult and have fun in the process, read my new best selling book!

While not quite as pugilistic in tone as “SJWs Always Lie,” it’s right up there … 

Compliment taken!

Don't Give Money to People Who Hate You - Brian Niemeier


  1. Jay DiNitto

    Imagine the howls of lament if Christians crusaded to openly Christianize an entire secular industry.

    • Brian Niemeier

      Sweet, sweet music.

  2. Constantin

    "Don't give money to people who hate you," is good rhetoric. Powerful.
    Between the sperging about Orcs and Tolkien being racist and the leaking of The Last of Us 2 storyline (and being worse than anything you could ever imagine), more and more people are slowly realizing that these death cultists DO in fact hate them and disguise their disdain behind flowery words like "diversity" and "inclusivity". And now fans are responding appropriately; not by engaging them in conversation(because there is nothing to discuss with them about) but by openly mocking them and refusing to support them.
    I could not be any more excited. This is going to be a wild decade for entertainment.

    • Brian Niemeier

      That's exactly the right reaction. Stock up on popcorn.

  3. Chris Lopes

    Publishing isn't the only industry that is about to face the long dark journey into night. I don't think the motion picture world is ever going to be the same either. Going back to the "let's go to a movie" era will be next to impossible, after most of us have had weeks worth of quality time with our streaming services. If I can watch 1st run movies in 4K on my big ass TV in the living room, why would I bother putting pants on to see it with a hundred other people and their pathogens?

    The thing is, once people get used to having premium content directly streamed to their homes, the main advantage of major studios (distribution, just like publishing) becomes mute. That leaves a big opening for independent producers working with independent streaming networks (and there are a whole lot of those) to work outside of the death cult's sphere. Being forced to go around normal media channels is bound to put a turd in a lot of people's punch bowls.

    • Brian Niemeier

      Nice catch. Hollywood is hemorrhaging money. Disney's Mulan remake has already lost millions.

    • Chris Lopes

      I didn't even know they were doing a live action version of Mulan. From the wiki article, it sounds like they are trying to de-child the original. No romance, no catchy tunes, just grrrl power BS. Uncle Walt would have had these ass clowns flogged.

    • xavier

      And made 2000$ worldwide.
      Further Iger and the new Mouse CEO are livid at JKathy Keenedy's latest antics… but never seem to be decisive enough to fire her and purge Lucasflim

      But then again. I just don't care.



    • Chris Lopes

      Yep, after appeasing the CCP, they still got screwed. Couldn't happen to a better group of cultists.

  4. Man of the Atom

    I find it both troubling and entertaining that these vile little monsters demand to display to the world the evil sloshing around in their heads. Then, disconnected from Reality, they try to DARVO it onto others in an attempt to momentarily ease the pain of their empty souls.

    Taking back culture creation won't be easy, but worth it if these horrifically broken humans are forever locked out of the control booth for the protection of Civilization.

    • Brian Niemeier

      As with Sassy Brown Thor Grrrl, the "No offense, but …" gaslighting is how you know it's Satanic.

  5. wreckage

    It may be a handful of bad apples, but it's been said before that 10% of a group is all you need to dominate that group IF you are militant enough. And the Death Cult are. Frankly, while Death Cult sounds like hyperbole, it's how soundly you set the definitions that makes the sale for me.

    I'd argue that there's several competing Death Cults, all based around trying to build a morality without God, authority, or cultural roots. They take an idea, effectively deify it, and the inevitable goes from there. The two big ones I have noticed are:

    Self Expression


    Suffering Equals Evil.

    • Brian Niemeier

      They have various denominations like we do. But their errors have the same infernal source, whom their wicked deeds all serve.

    • wreckage

      "and ye shall be as gods, defining good and evil."

    • Malchus

      You forgot the pop science cult that will embrace any idea as irrefutable fact if:
      A famous smart person supports it
      It sounds vaguely scientific, and
      It claims to preclude the existence of God

      They also tend to deify Logic and Reason. You can spot them when they dismiss God as an unprovable assertion with zero evidence while claiming the existence of the multiverse explains away every problem with Scientism.

    • Brian Niemeier

      Some people don't think the universe be the way it is, but it do.

  6. wreckage

    Three. Three big ones. Let me try that again. NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!

    • Brian Niemeier

      Not even a little!

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