God’s Mercy Is Infinite

God’s Mercy Is Infinite

And so is His justice, as the late Italian dictator Benito Mussolini learned.

At least, if three Catholic mystics–two blessed and one a saint–are to be believed.

First item: a letter from Blessed Elena Aiello entrusted to Mussolini’s sister:

Mussolini apparently experienced divine justice and divine favor, according to this excerpt from the diary of mystic and stigmatic Blessed Edvige Carboni:


Accounts of Mussolini’s salvation from two mystics could be a coincidence. Here’s a third from St. Pio:


Let that be a reminder that where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more. No man is irredeemable.


Happy, hopeful and practical


  1. Scholar-at-Arms

    Remarkable. I had never heard any of these stories about Mussolini, but for some time I had been struck by the essential tragedy of his pact with Hitler (he who had been the first to prepare for war against Hitler), and the vainglory that drove it. If this testimony is true, I am very glad.

    • Brian Niemeier

      This is just a portion of the testimony I found. Many other blesseds, venerables, and mystics independently affirmed Il Duce's salvation.

    • wreckage

      Rather poignant.

  2. CrusaderSaracen

    Praise be unto God for His infinite mercy

    • Brian Niemeier


  3. JD Cowan

    There's hope for anyone! God is great!

    • Brian Niemeier

      God is great.

  4. Durandel

    Besides allying with Hitler, what exactly are Il Duce’s crimes? WW2 history in American public schools tends to focus on the Germans with the Italians being a footnote. And many here are well aware that much of the history taught to us is plagued with lies.

    • Brian Niemeier

      He had a highly public atheist phase and engaged in serial adultery. But getting Italy involved in the war was what lost him the mandate of heaven, according to Christ Himself.

    • M. L. Martin

      The invasion of Ethiopia comes to mind.

  5. JohnC911

    I know this is about Benito Mussolini. Do you think Francisco Franco could of had something similar?

    To me Franco keeping Spain out of the war is example of what Mussolini could of done. Franco with all his faults saved his country in the civil war and keep it out from both the WW2 and the cold War.

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