A Major White Pill

Major White Pill

Long-suffering, non-heterodox Catholics who strive to practice the faith in spirit and truth with firmness of heart received a major white pill over the weekend:

On Saturday, pro-abortion state Sen. Joseph Cervantes (D-Las Cruces) wrote to his followers on Twitter to announce that pro-life Las Cruces Bishop, the Most Reverend Peter Baldacchino, had denied him the Eucharist during mass “based on [his] political office.”

Hopefully this medicinal penalty cures Senator Cervantes of both his obstinate desecration of the Blessed Sacrament and his spreading of falsehoods. Canon 915 already bars those in manifest public sin from receiving Holy Communion. As for politicians trying to use their office as a paper shield, St. John Paul II infallibly removed that excuse.

The Diocese of Las Cruces has since issued a response to correct Senator Cervantes’ demagoguery.

In response, Christopher Velasquez, director of communications for the Diocese of Las Cruces, told CNA on Monday that it is “unfortunate that a pastoral issue with a member of the local church be publicized.”

He explained that both Cervantes’ pastor and local ordinary tried to contact him several times previously regarding his support for an abortion bill, warning him he should not receive Communion. “It did not happen on the spur of the moment,” Velasquez said of the denial of Communion.

“In terms of the diocese, we regret the decision of Senator Cervantes to politicize this issue,” Velasquez said.

He noted that both Cervantes’ pastor and Bishop Peter Baldacchino reached out to Cervantes privately, in regards to his support for a pro-abortion bill that was signed into law earlier this year.

“Bishop Baldacchino did not receive a response from the senator,” Velasquez said, adding, “He [Cervantes] was contacted multiple times prior, letting him know that if he voted for Senate Bill 10, he should not present himself for communion.”

It’ not complicated. We owe God true worship as a matter of justice. That’s called the virtue of religion. The Eucharist is the holiest sacrament, so desecrating it is the worst sacrilege. As guardians of the sacraments, it is the priesthood’s solemn duty to prevent such grave sacrilege from taking place.

As has been remarked on before, Conservatives have a serious weakness when it comes to exercising solidarity. If a bishop had, say, unjustly excommunicated a Republican politician for supporting border defense, the Leftist Death Cult would be flooding his diocesan offices with ‘attaboys.

Here is the Las Cruces diocese’s contact info. I’ve already extended them my thanks. You are encouraged to do the same.


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  1. Harrison

    Is “The Most Reverend” the appropriate formal title for addressing a bishop?

  2. D Cal

    May the Lord’s angels protect America’s bishops, and may the Holy Spirit embolden them.

  3. Xavier Basora


    Wow! Praise to the Holy Spirit. That He come again as tongues of fire to rekindle our faith.


  4. Chris Lopes

    It’s amusing to watch liberals become as shocked as Louie Renault when their own cancel culture tactics get used against them. In this case the Church had every right to deny communion to someone violating Church doctrine. I’m happy they had the courage to do it.

    • Lack of courage is why we’re in this mess to begin with.

      Pray for increase in fortitude.

    • D Cal

      Will the “party of science” unleash its “mostly peaceful” minions upon the bishop or his diocese? They know that they can’t convert him, so they’ll try to demoralize him.

  5. I am a protestant minister, but I will add my support and encouragement to the bishop’s office.

  6. M. Bibliophile

    Sent. Kept it kind of general because I don’t know who reads the “contact us,” but there shouldn’t be any doubt as to what it’s in reference to.

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