Shooting Up

Shooting Up

A striking phenomenon increasingly on display as the generation raised by Nickelodeon turns 40 is the redirection of man's natural religious impulse to pop culture artifacts. A while back, I termed those who make idols of action figures, comics, and video games the Pop Cult. The reason Generation Y is…
World of Darkness

World of Darkness

Those who've followed my writings for a while know I'm an avid tabletop gamer. I even made my own role-playing system for Combat Frame XSeed. Unlike many in the #PulpRev and adjacent literary movements, I didn't cut my teeth on old-school D&D. My induction into the hobby came in high…

A CIA Internal Matter

The popular perception of Millennials as culturally bankrupt philistines incapable of making anything useful doesn't give them a fair shake. Braving the dank bowels of the web reveals that the extremely online generation has pioneered a new art form: the sharing of spook stories through formularized posts. This medium has…

Link’s Awakening

My last full game review dropped over a month ago, and it's high time for another. The game in question probably isn't a surprise, since I've been telegraphing it for a while now. I've just finished my decades-delayed first playthrough, so this post will be written while the experience is…
Swearing in Silver Lining

Silver Linings

An occasional reader confided the other day that he finds this blog too black pilled. Frequent readers will be aware that I eschew the whole white pill-black pill dichotomy. What people mean by a "white pill" is a sensible consolation--warm fuzzies, in laymen's terms. In the political life as in…
Abrahamic Covenant

Contracts v Covenants

Yesterday's post on Gen Y's default transactional view of relationships drew comment from Ys who inadvertently proved what they sought to refute. It's understandable. As most commenters noted, Gen Y's upbringing by Boomer parents who tried to buy their affection instilled them from the start with a quid pro quo…
Transactional Generation

The Transactional Generation

A frequent topic of this blog that has, rather surprisingly to me, caught a great deal of reader interest is the ongoing project to map the contours of forgotten generations. These are the cohorts who've been memory holed since Madison Avenue no longer finds them profitable to advertise to. Also…
Travis Bickle Loser

Biggest Loser

Regular readers know I'm always on the lookout for new cultural insights. To that effect, a recent Twitter thread just caught my eye. This thread resonates with a post I wrote earlier this year about the same phenomenon. The only difference is the decade. If you want to gauge how…
Falling Down

Falling Down

I don't like to use the word "God" because it' overused in the United States ... it's been politicized and has become an attack--like if you don't believe in Jesus, you're not one of us! -Falling Down director Joel Schumacher Bar none, the movie that readers ask me to review…
Archbishop Broglio

Archbishop Upholds Catholic Doctrine

That headline shouldn't be newsworthy, but here in Clown World, it's a bombshell. Archbishop of the U.S. military services Timothy Broglio has issued a statement against forcing American service members to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, saying that “no one should be forced to receive a COVID-19 vaccine if it would…