Silver Linings

Swearing in Silver Lining

An occasional reader confided the other day that he finds this blog too black pilled. Frequent readers will be aware that I eschew the whole white pill-black pill dichotomy. What people mean by a “white pill” is a sensible consolation–warm fuzzies, in laymen’s terms.

In the political life as in the spiritual life, the pursuit of consolations cannot be the aim of the whole enterprise. They are only positive reinforcements, like the dopamine hits you get from eating. Consuming tasty food is not an end in itself. Instead, it is rightly ordered toward sustaining life. Get fixated on the dopamine hit, and you end up with serious health problems.

It’s similar with politics. Tidbits of good news that come along give news junkies dopamine hits, but they’re not the point. The true end of politics is producing the conditions necessary for a healthy society to thrive. The standard mechanism of this process is a series of political contests which ideally result in pro-civilization forces winning power so they can thwart those who would impose dyscivic ideas. Getting lost in the minutiae invites a kind of myopia in regard to events. How a given development makes you feel becomes more important than advancing the bigger goal.

As is clear to anyone who’s been watching the clown funeral of current events unfold for the past five years, America’s political apparatus has broken down. It is no longer possible to properly order society through victory at the ballot box. If Trump proved anything, it’s that the machine has run amok and will do as it pleases despite the people’s wishes. Talking politics is pointless, because political activity per se cannot be carried out.

This state of affairs is indeed depressing for people hooked on white pills. They’d hoped that voting harder to elect the right candidates would turn the ship around and bring us back to 1988. That attitude is to be expected in a democracy, which has the baked-in problem of reducing truth to a majority vote, yet has no solution to the inevitable problems it causes but expanding the franchise to people with less and less skin in the game.

Some criticize the observation “We’re not voting our way out of this” as defeatist. They tend to focus on the “voting” part. The crux of the statement is really “we”, which includes ever-growing numbers of sub-90 IQ invaders, felons, and the mentally ill. When a majority vote defines truth, the aforementioned voter base guarantees Clown World.

For a prime example, see the recent promotion of a skirt-wearing madman to one of the most exalted ranks in the US military. As is always the case with these circus shows, the humiliation is the point. The subcontinental carpetbagger was chosen to administer the oath just to rub it in. Their Covidian ritual headgear actually countersignals the victory dance by making the participants look ashamed to show their faces.

A white woman handing over control to a mercenary weirdo and Buffalo Bill – you couldn’t ask for a more perfect microcosm of Current Year America. Welcome to your new country!

Now, while I can’t dispense any white pills, I will point out that the current situation isn’t without silver linings.

The problem with democracy is that reality doesn’t care what 51 percent of people vote for. Contra the Woke Cult’s utopian fever dreams, putting foolish and insane people in charge has severe consequences.

Our rulers have announced with great fanfare the reassignment of their intelligence agencies to oppress ordinary people. That project may not go as well for them as they’d hoped, since the vaunted diversification of their talent pool has run up against reality. Earlier this month, it came out that dozens of CIA informants have been captured or killed by foreign powers. The Agency admitted that these losses were due to bad tradecraft – in a memo which was itself leaked due to bad tradecraft.

For an even more spectacular object lesson, always remember the disastrous Afghanistan pullout when you’re tempted to despair. Third world hill people with nothing going for them but steadfast religious devotion fought the American Empire for twenty years and finally won. The same enemy is now turning its malice on us. We are much smarter and more resourceful than the Taliban. More importantly, we hold the True Faith of which theirs is a heretical echo. If God has seen fit to deliver Mohammedans from the worse evil of the Death Cult, how much more will He favor us if we only repent and return to worshiping Him in spirit and truth?

A time of spiritual purification is here. Ditch the dependency on white pills. Don’t despair. Seek the Lord while He may be found.

And don’t give money to people who hate you.

Don't Give Money to People Who Hate You

The light on the other side of this dark tunnel will be brighter than what came before – provided we keep the faith.


  1. D Cal

    On a related note, I never imagined that Penn Jillette would become a transgender apologist. I pray that the Lord delivers his daughter from the wicked; I would hate to see her perish because of her daddy’s libertarded programming.

    • Still more proof that there’s no room for “Well-Meaning-but-Unconvinced” atheists. Everyone who does not hold to Christ will be made to submit to the Death Cult.

      • Rudolph Harrier

        Fedora atheists of the likes of Penn can only resist Christians and groups that they can convince themselves are “practically Christians.” (This is why Dawkins and the like are able to rail against Islam, only to come to the conclusion that Christians are the real threat; the only thing that bugs them about Islam is that it looks kind of like Christianity.)

        When it comes to attacks from the left, they have absolutely no defense. This has been clear since “Atheism+”

      • D Cal

        I also notice that you describe the new admiral as a “mercenary weirdo.” As a former student of AP Euro, should I assume that you use the word “mercenary” as the Church used to?

    • I think I’m the only person in the world that never liked or trusted this guy, even when I wasn’t Christian.

      • He had his moments, like taking Leftcaths to task on papal authority.

        By and large, Jillette’s main influence has been as spiritual adviser to indifferentist Gen Y bugmen.

        If you had John Green in your YouTube queue and a dogeared copy of Freakonomics on your nightstand ca. 2007, odds are you could lip synch to every episode of Bullshit.

        Barring a thirtysomething reversion to Christianity, those Ys are now in open marriages, cheering on their wives’ sons’ transitions.

        • D Cal

          When I saw Penn in Vegas, he was a scientistic weirdo. But then he lost weight and appeared almost human in the preview for his masterclass, and you could say that I developed a false hope that he would stumble his way into Rome.

          I should have known better after seeing through Razorfist and Stefan.

  2. Xavier Basora


    I’m seeing small counterattacks. Not sure if the tide is very slowly turning.
    For example, the National school board council has apologized and has egg on its face. That’s a first step, but I’m still surprised parents have banded together to sue that lobby group for slander. In Virginia, maybe Youngkins might win. Obama’s sneering at parents about the culture wars being manufactured

    There’s still lots to do. Like dismantling the institutions, starting with public schools.

    • “Not sure if the tide is very slowly turning.”

      Zooming in on the graph makes small, isolated upturns look like major reversals. Looking at the big picture reveals them as blips on an overall downward trend.

      We are not going back. The only way out is through.

      • Xavier Basora


        Agreed. We have to go through the haunted forest before we reach the sanctuary.
        I’m noting the blips becoming more agitated. So maybe something’s bubbling to the surface whether it signifies any thing remains to be seen


  3. Andrew Phillips

    There’s a difference between candor about our circumstances and being black-pilled. It’s like Admiral Stockdale and the POWs. Stockdale noted that those (like himself) who held out hope for eventual release endured, while those who kept putting a definite date on going home did not. The hopes they repeatedly built were repeatedly broken, until they broke too. One might say they broke themselves by misplacing their hope, until they had none left to hold. One might also say they were on a pharma-coaster.

    We are in a similar spot. The world we knew is gone. The nation we love is ruled by goons and lunatics. These are not pleasant facts to face. We also know that God is still God, Christ is still reigning at His right hand, and the Holy Spirit still moves in the hearts of His people. I learned a couple of years ago that expecting event X to address predicament Y was a recipe for anxiety and frustration, and that hoping instead in God’s perfect (if occasionally perplexing) Providence was a much better way to face an uncertain future. I reminded myself of Psalm 42 (and 43, for my fellow Protestants), even when I was terrified. God did not disappoint. Well founded hope never does.

    • If God’s Providence weren’t perplexing, we’d have reason for concern.

      The outcome of this the current chastisement will be better than if we’d never had to endure it.

      • CantusTropus

        Indeed. I’m put in mind of how the Fall of Rome resulted in the rise of Christendom, a fairer, freer, and more humane society that accomplished things that Rome could never have dreamed of.

  4. Man of the Atom

    Minor clarification: USPHS is one of the “Uniformed Services” of the United States, of which the US Military is also a part. But, USPHS is not of the Department of Defense, but of rather of Health and Human Services, and not a part of the Military, per se. The other uniformed service is a part of Commerce, being an incredibly tiny element of NOAA.

    Makes the black comedy no brighter, but clarity is a good thing. 😉

    • Milley and the other cretins like him being in charge is ample reason for any sane military member to get out ASAP.

      • Andrew Phillips

        Not to mention that commie butter-bar from a few years ago who graduated West Point with a Che shirt under his dress greys. At the end of the day, the service academies are militarized universities, which makes them death cult seminaries. The hand-wringing at the top about angry white men indicates the rot goes all the way to the core.

        Normies think the military will stand up for them because once upon a time, it might have, because they’ve been indoctrinated to respect it, and because they know and love their Normie kin who joined up. The truth is that the cavalry ain’t comin’, because they’re too busy with SHARP and DIE training to do things like fight wars, and couldn’t help if they did, because you can’t fight a spiritual battle with physical weapons anyway.

        • Service members now face the same choice the cops did last year.

          The cops chose to side with their paymasters at the banks and insurance companies against us. Bad call. Letting BLM torch burger joints and installing revolving cell doors for Antifa didn’t make either group hate cops any less. Mass media programming is a bitch.

  5. Adam

    I remember this smug atheist from his show “Bullshit” which was just a skeptical atheist 101 reddit thread made into a TV show. He just radiated “smarter than you” around every thing he did, so it’s very gratifying to watch him be destroyed by his own deconstructionism. “I’m not owned” he said as a shrinks into a corn cob.

    • As mentioned above, enthusiasm for that show in the aughts correlates proportionally with being a cucked soiboi now.

      • The Mythbusters guy consistently saying the dumbest thing he can on social media is a good example of this. Every fedora from back then is a full on actual cuck with reality right now.

        Not like they weren’t before. Some going on about how Christopher Hitchens was the “redpilled” one and Peter Hitchens as the “bluepilled” one prove just out to lunch they are.

        There’s something inherently pathetic about the need for deboonking that debases a man into a simpering pile of shame. Seeing Jillette’s mewling over these recent events shows just what a man he isn’t and never was. He’s just a mindless cultist to modernism like everyone else in his field pretending to be an Individual. This is no different than the likes of frauds like Sarah Silverman or Jim Gaffigan.

        Your heroes of the 1990s were all frauds. Wake up.

        • Andrew Phillips

          I have seen this same sort of thing on a much smaller scale with folks who like to trot out claims that Christian holy day X is really pagan festival Y, or dismiss tradition as “peer pressure from dead people.” I think it comes down to modernist, progressivist, evolutionist arrogance. They’ve got it into their heads (and worse still, their hearts) that they are the smartest, wisest, most moral people ever, and so they have a profound ignorance of and contempt for genuinely old traditions.
          I cannot claim to be a humble person – in fact, if I did, you could be sure I was lying – but I’ve learned a lot recently about how deep and broad the traditions of the church are and how much vitality there is in them, if we only humble ourselves and let them teach us.

          • Around these parts, we call the specific strain of Dunning-Kruger you describe being SMRT. It proves Tradition’s warning that pride dims the intellect.

            These people make being SMRT the core of their identity. It’s why, when they claim the Church co-opted the date of Saturnalia, and you answer that the Roman feast didn’t have a single date, but lasted from 12/17 through 12/23, none of which are the date of Christmas, they’ll say “Close enough!”

  6. Picture Books

    What wrong with the guy giving the oath? Or was it the system’s optics of selecting a diverse oath giver?

    • Call any customer service line. Then remember that guy administering the oath is our Surgeon General. The COVID debacle will make much more sense.

        • The decadent phenomenon of people linking to 30-minute videos when writing a 3-line paragraph would suffice is just one reason why I’m glad the internet is dead.

          • D Cal

            Didn’t your daddy teach you not to brandish your rhetoric at bystanders? Let’s just say that Picture Books *might* be naïve and that YouTube links *might* have hidden features—or that certain videos *might* have shorter segments.

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