The Bill Comes Due

bank run

A week after Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot decreed vaccine passport requirements, it turns out the Second City is broke.

The city of Chicago apparently has no money in its employee Payroll account.

An employee of the city has uploaded video showing the bank upon which a city paycheck is drawn, refusing to cash a Chicago Paycheck because the city “Does not have money in this account.”

If any of you are tempted to black pill, remember that the entire rationale for opposing the Death Cult is that their worldview is contrary to reality. If it wasn’t, their totalitarian schemes would deliver as promised. But going against reality takes a toll, and inevitably the bill comes due.

Is Chicago officially broke?

Did they lay-off city employees under the GUISE of COVID-19 vaccines, when in fact, the whole thing was a cover for the city being financially broke?

Where did the money go?

Covering for our usury-based faux economy’s chickens coming home to roost may be a fringe benefit of the Covid tyranny, but we should guard against the Conservative vice of projecting rational motives onto the Left.

Again, if the enemy were guided by reason, their social engineering would have done at least some good at least once instead of always pushing society closer to the brink.

There will be no perfect system of total control overseen by Big Tech oligarchs. The old guard of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Jeff Bezos might have sustained a total managerial regime. But they are already aging out and dying off. Their successors lack the creativity, big-picture thinking, and frankly intelligence to realize their unnatural schemes.

Will they try anyway?


Will the innocent suffer?

By the millions.

The light at the end of the tunnel now lies on the other side of tragedy, but there is a light at the end.

Pray. And get ready for chaos.

And don’t fund people who hate you. Learn how here:

Don't Give Money to People Who Hate You


  1. Man of the Atom

    With one large urban bugman nest questioning its solvency, can other hives of scum and villainy be far behind? It’s not necessarily the fact of insolvency that causes runs on banks and collapses of organizations, but often just the scent of weakness in the system.

    [ Popping corn. ]

    • D Cal

      The feds will simply tax you until Chicago has enough bandages and duct tape to function again. And they’ll take even more once the other hives need it, too.

      • There is no amount of money that will make Chicago functional again.

        • Man of the Atom

          A true “Shovel Ready” project!

      • Xavier Basora


        The feds can’t because next is San Francisco, parts of New York city and so the dominoes fall. No, the world needs to brace for the tsunami of muncipal bankruptcies.
        Out of the collapse something worthwhile will emerge


        • D Cal

          Do you remember what Brian said about ascribing rational motivations? It won’t be about saving the cities. It’ll be about making the rest of America as poor and miserable as the cities and calling us racist for wanting paychecks.

          • Xavier Basora


            I do. I completely expect the minor urban elites to collapse their cities. I’m hopeful that regular people will pick up the pieces from the collapse and rebuild, much like from the collapse of the Western empire to Charlesmange’s coronation.

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