Catholics v Cat Moms

Cat Mom

In yet another instance of the Pope being, in fact, Catholic, Francis has issued a scathing rebuke against cat moms.

Fur babies do not have his blessing.

Pope Francis, 85, had some choice words for the childless at the Vatican on Wednesday. In remarks to a general audience, the Catholic Church head called out couples who have chosen not to have children and opted to have pets instead.

“Today we see a form of selfishness,” the pope said, according to Fox News. “We see that some people do not want to have a child. Sometimes they have one, and that’s it, but they have … dogs and cats that take the place of children.”

Viewing religion through a political lens always results in category errors. Conservatives paid dearly for engaging with the Left as if it were an ideology and not a fanatical Death Cult. Dissidents who judge the Church by whether her hierarchs are based or not make the same mistake.

Politics is downstream from culture, and both are downstream from faith.

There is not going to be a one-to-one relationship between Christian moral theology and ideological theory, nor should there be. Those who say otherwise are looking for a political party, not a religion.

“It is a risk, yes: Having a child is always a risk, either naturally or by adoption,” the Argentina-born leader said. “But it is riskier not to have them. It is riskier to deny fatherhood, or to deny motherhood, be it real or spiritual.”

The pope made the controversial remarks while speaking about Joseph, the biblical “foster father” of Jesus. He said Joseph’s role was the prime example of one of the “highest forms of love” that someone can receive.

A culture in which “Be fruitful and multiply” is controversial is a culture in its death throes.

Pray, and be ready for chaos.


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  1. Man of the Atom

    Anyone with eyes could see the Left was a Death Cult — Easy Rider, anyone? The “Me Generation” should have been reigned in hard by their parents, but the Greatest/Silent Generations wanted their kids to have everything they supposedly didn’t, without considering what they were allowing to transpire by doing so. Spare the rod; spoil the child — writ extremely large. Not that it started with the Greatest.

    Ice cream parlors. (What a great Tweet thread!)

    Your post is also a reminder that no one should get their Church news, views, and hot takes from the Media. The Media speaks the Language of the Lie.

    Find sources that can be trusted from within the ranks of the Faithful, whether RC, Ortho, Coptic, Protestant. Make your judgments based on facts closer to the ground truth rather than Media lies.

    • The older generations were already suffering from reliance on materialism before the Boomers. The Greats especially after living through “two” wars and a depression shoved them in an uncertain haze which lead them to make a lot of decisions that would eventually bite their descendants in the back. Most of their decision making was due to a sort of desperation to escape material poverty, since that scared them the most. Putting that in mind it is easy to see how their children got so spoiled.

      There is a tendency to put all the blame on one generation for all the world’s ills, but it doesn’t quite work like that. Ever since the industrial revolution, humanity has deluded itself into seeing Utopia through Progress as an inevitability. It’s not a new phenomenon, it just peaked with Baby Boomers and has been decreasing slowly with each successive generation. Zoomers are probably the first generation since then to not believe such a thing is possible at all, even when they mouth political platitudes. I can’t even imagine what comes after the Last Generation when everything is completely spent and gone. That era is over.

      The soul sickness of materialism is what really ails us. Christians suffer from it as much as anyone else does, as do other religious, when they should all know better. Banning “sick” people from entering churches and treating them like lepers is proof that they have truly lost their way.

      • Man of the Atom


  2. Malchus

    It’s been weird watching the phenomenon. When I was a kid, referring to pets like they were children was either a common joke or the purvue of crazy cat ladies in their 50s or later.
    Now, the local pet grooming store is called “Fur Babies” and people get genuinely offended when I tell them their pets are not and will never be children. Cognitive dissonance truly sets in when I ask why not just have kids if it’s the same thing. They don’t have dander, will eventually clean up after themselves, and can take care of you after you retire.

    • Rudolph Harrier

      I know someone who says that she will never have kids because they are too messy and too much of a hassle.

      The day after she told me that she had to rent a carpet shampooing to clean up the massive amount of vomit one dog spewed over her floor and take another dog to the vet because its anal glands burst.

    • It’s because your cat will never hold you accountable for screwing it up, and you can lock up, sterilize, or kill your cat if it annoys you, no questions asked.

  3. Because if Catholics do not have kids, who will
    Bergoglio’s team have easy sexual access to? They are not into cats. Yet.

    Never going to be Roman Catholic (Orthodox could happen) so as an outsider I’m sticking with “tool of Satan” =/= real Catholic.

    May God preserve, defend and succor His Church “against both foe and traitor”

    • D Cal

      Forget about Constantinople. You won’t even make it to Saxony.

      • Codex

        The only reason I would ever abandon the faith of my ancestors would be if my *husband* required me to do so. The which is why I have been in exile in a non-denominational quasi-Methodist “evangelical” church for a quarter century. And I could see him taking us to the Orthodox, but not to Rome.

        So the question of “which teaching is false” isn’t really in relevant to “not becoming Roman Catholic”. My apologies for the distracting digression, it was meant as an acknowledgement that I’m commenting from the cheap seats, and do not have skin in the game.

        AFAIK the RCC professes the Creed, the Real Presence in communion, baptism, the sacrament, etc. And in the mid 1980s bishops from Rome, and leaders of the LCMS met and agreed that a faith without good works is not the real deal, and also that no good works of any kind absolve sin, so our serious differences are done. Huzzah!

        Having to swear obedience to Papal Authority is a real sticking point in times of bad popes. After all, one cannot escape him, the way one can if a bishop goes rotten, by fleeing to a wholesome bishopric.

        I believe that where Christ is and faith in Him, and obedience to his word, there, by God’s grace and the power of the Holy Spirit is His Church. Which includes, but is not limited to, most, (I pray) but not all (sadly) of the Roman, or any other church on earth.

        • Your submission to your husband’s headship is commendable. He in turn is obliged to submit his conscience to the dictates of truth.

          If the essential articles of faith taught by the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church are true, they present a solemn moral obligation to enter into communion with her.

          NB: Becoming Catholic does not entail swearing an oath of obedience to the Pope. Entertaining the possibility of “escaping” Christ’s vicar on Earth betrays a Liberal worldview.

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